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Hotel Ritz

June 6, 1970

Dear T.:

By same mail I am forwarding to O. Porjes the invoices covering my purchase of ten drawings. These should be shipped as soon as possible, but in view of the customs strikes here, among others, there is no telling when they will actually leave.

However, in the meantime I am sending you a descriptive list made out by Mr. Baderou on six of the drawings. I am including, too, [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] small notices on two drawings, one by J. B. Huet and one attributed to Natoire, also pages from a sales catalogue on two other drawings, by Decamps and Harpignies. These should allow you and Miss Duesberry to identify them. You will note that there are two drawings by Decamps, but very different from one another. Please turn the catalogue pages over to Porjes after they will have served their purpose.

One drawing I think will amuse you - the one illustrating a La Fontaine fable, "Le rat retiré du monde" - the rat who has withdrawn into his cheese.

Mr. Jacques Thuillier, an art historian and professor, who is invited by Yale University, has just left for the States. He is a very pleasant gentleman and I have recommended to him that he should not hesitate to communicate with you were he in need of advice and help. To this effect, tell Porjes that I wish to have a sum of $500.00 put at his disposition if need be, as his funds perforce are very limited. I am afraid that his knowledge of English isn't very good, or at least his pronunciation.

Many thanks for the clippings and the last report, page 7, of June 3rd.


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