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The customer and the company agree to the following items and conditions:

1. OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY: The customer has represented and warranted to the company that he is the legal owner or in lawful possession of the property and has the legal right and authority to contract for services for all of the property tendered, upon provisions, limitations, terms and conditions herein set forth and that there are no existing liens, mortgages or encumbrances on sold property. If there be ant litigations as a result of the breach of this clause customer agrees to pay all charges that may be due together with such costs and expenses including attorneys fees which this company may reasonably incur or become liable to pay in connection therewith and this company shall have a lien on said property for all charges that may be due them as well as such costs and expenses.

2. PAYMENT: Storage accounts are due and payable monthly in advance. Interest will be charged on accounts unpaid for a period of three months after they become due. The company has a lien on all goods moved or stored to secure payment for charges for all services rendered. All charges must be paid in cash, money order or certified check before delivery or transfer of goods deposited under this contract and no transfer of title will be recognized unless entered on the books of this company.

3. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY: (a) The company when transporting to or from the warehouse for permanent storage acts as a private carrier only, reserving the right to refuse any order for transportation and in no event is a common carrier.

(b) This contract is accepted subject to delay or damages caused by war, insurrection, labor troubles, strikes, Acts of God or the public enemy, riots, the elements, street traffic, elevator service or other causes beyond the control of the company.

(c) The company is not responsible for any fragile articles injured or broken, unless packed by its employees and unpacked by them at the time of delivery and in no event shall the company be liable except for its own negligence. The company will not be responsible for mechanical or electrical functioning of any article such as but not limited to, pianos, radios, phonographs, television sets, clocks, barometers, mechanical refrigerators or air conditioners whether or not such articles are packed or unpacked by the company. 

(d) No liability of any kind shall attach to this company for any damage caused to the goods by moths, other insects, vermin, rust, fire, water, changes of temperature, deterioration or inherent vice. 

(e) Unless a greater valuation is stated herein, the depositor or owner declares that the value in case of loss or damage arising out of storage, transportation, packing, unpacking, fumigation, cleaning or handling of the goods and the liability of the company for any cause for which it may be liable for each or any piece or package and the contents thereof does not exceed and is limited to 30ยข per lb. per article, or for the entire contents of the entire storage lot does not exceed and is limited to $2,000, upon which declared or agreed value the rates are based, the depositor or owner having been given the opportunity to declare a higher valuation without limitation in case of loss or damage from any cause which would make the company liable and to pay the higher rate based thereon, and in no event shall the company be liable except for its own negligence.

(f) In the event the company shall be requested by the customer to engage the services of others with respect to the transportation, repair, cleaning, or servicing of any article, the company shall act as agent for the customer and shall not be liable for any damage arising out of such services rendered by others and shall not be liable for failure to execute any instructions except for such instructions that are in writing an acknowledged in writing by the company. In the event goods are delivered to another carrier, the company shall not be liable for loss or damage for any cause to said goods unless exception is noted in waiting on the delivery receipt of this company when delivery is made. 

(g) The company shall not be responsible for loss of or damage to any article contained in drawers, or in packages, cases or containers not packed and unpacked by the employees of the company unless such containers are opened for the company inspection and then only for such articles that are specifically listed by the customer and are receipted for the company or its agent. 

(h) In no event shall the company be responsible for loss or damage to documents, stamps, securities, specie or jewelry unless a special agreement in writing is made between the customer and the company with respect to such articles.

4. MINIMUM PERIOD FOR STORAGE: On storage accounts three months storage will be charged for any fraction of the first three months period. Thereafter one months storage will be charged for 30 days or less.

5. TERMINATION OF STORAGE: The company reserves the right to terminate storage of the goods at any time by giving the depositor thirty days written notice of its intention to do so, and unless the depositor removes such goods within that period the company is hereby empowered to have the same removed at the cost and expense of the depositor. And upon so doing the company shall be relieved of any liability with respect to such goods therefore or thereafter incurred.

6. ADDRESS AND CHANGE: It is agreed that the address of the depositor of good for storage is as given on the front side of this contract and shall be relied upon by the company as the address of the depositor until change of address is given in writing to the company and acknowledged in writing by the company and notice of any change of address will not be valid or binding upon the company if given or acknowledged in any other manner.

7. TIME FOR FILING CLAIMS: As a condition precedent to recovery, claim must be in writing, supported by a paid freight bill and filed with the company within sixty (60) days after delivery of the goods. No action may be maintained by the depositor against the company, either by suit or arbitration, to recover for claimed loss or damage unless commenced within twelve (12) months after the date of delivery by the company.

8. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (a) If goods cannot be delivered in the ordinary way by stairs or elevator, the owner agrees to pay an additional charge for hoisting or lowering or other necessary labor to effect delivery. Customer shall arrange in advance for all necessary elevator and other services and any charges for same shall be met by the customer. Customer agrees to pay the hourly charge in this contract for waiting time caused by lack of sufficient elevator service.

(b) Packing or moving charges do not include the taking down or putting up of curtains, mirrors, fixtures, pictures, electric or other fittings, or the relaying of floor coverings or similar services but if such services are ordered a charge will be made therefor.

(c) Company will charge for labor and materials supplied on all access to goods in the warehouse.

(d) Platform charge will be made when goods are delivered to an outside truckman.

9. CORRECTION OF ERRORS: The depositor agrees that unless notice is given in writing to the company within ten days after receipt of the inventory list accompanying the warehouse receipt and made a part thereof including any exceptions noted thereon as to the condition of the property when received for storage, the inventory list shall be deemed to be correct and complete.

10. CONTROVERSY OF CLAIM: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, the breach thereof, or the goods affected thereby, whether such claims be found in part or contract shall be settled by arbitration law of the State of New York and under the rules of the American Arbitration Association, provided however, that upon any such arbitration the arbitrator or arbitrators may not vary or modify any of the foregoing provisions.

11. AGREEMENT: The contract represents the entire agreement between the parties hereto and cannot be modified except in writing and shall be deemed to apply to all the property whether household goods or goods of any other nature or description which the company may no or any time in the future store, pack, transport or chip for the owner's account.


12. Receipt by any person at the premises shall be binding on the owner in accordance with all the terms of the receipt, in the same manner as though receipt were signed by owner, and Company is authorized to make delivery and accept receipt of any person who gives Company access to premises, and such person shall be conclusively deemed to be the agent of the owner.

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