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Hotel Ritz, Paris 

May 22, 1972

Dear Porjes, 

When you receive this letter, I do hope that the operation will be but a disagreeable memory and that you are again full of energy and ready to undertake whatever work there is. 

These lines are just to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 18th -

Householders Comprehensive Policy. I am glad to learn that they accepted my request regarding "100 consecutive days". 

Emery Air I am happy to know that you got their bill reduced about $98.00, as Mrs. Seligman was must dismayed at their charge. 

Re Keating - our Fontainebleau drawing. This matter is thus settled and delivery will be made to them after Labor Day. 

Lefebvre-Foinet. Copy of my letter to them will be turned over to you by Mrs. Parker and in the meantime I trust I will have received their acknowledgement of the check. 

Balance in New York Morgan account. I have reduced it, as you wrote, by $1,306.50.

Deposit slip, Mrs. S. thanks for having sent it.

With all good wishes in which Mrs. Seligman joins me. 


Transcription Notes:
Verify signature ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 14:46:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 15:02:16