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Agents Monthly Report 
on Education of Freedmen & Refugees in Sub. Dist. State of Alabama, in charge of R. Blair Agt. at Tuscaloosa, for Month of July 1868, in accordance with order contained in Circular No. 5 Bu. R.F.& A.L.

1st.  Name of Sub. Dist. Tuscaloosa

2d.  Whole No. of Ref's or F.M. Schools. 7 Day  5 Night  2 Sabbath.

3.  Locations of Schools? Tuscaloosa Ala

4.  Whole No. of Teachers? 5.

5.  Names & P.O. address of Day School Teachers. Jeremiah Barnes, Minerva Gant, Lewis Griffen, Mary Brown, & Frances Tassent all col'd.

6.  Whole No. of School Houses for F.M. in Dist? - None.

7.  No. of visits to Schools.  1

8.  No. of Educational Meetings by me during month?  None, impossible to do any good -

9.  No. & Names of Places now destitute, in which Day schools might be organized? [[strikethrough]] any good. [[/strikethrough]] cannot now say.

10.  No. of Pupils (Estimated) who would attend such Schools?

11.  Amt. which would probably be raised by F.M. for School purposes? very little.

12.  What effort, are you making to secure the support of schools by pupils, or otherwise? Cannot do anything; under the present state of rebellious feeling.

13.  Whole No. of School Houses needed in your Sub Dist. for F.M. - am inclined to think if any were built, that the Rebels would burn them down.

14.  Could you organize your Sub. Dist. into School Dists? - Impossible yet a while

15.  To what extent would help be needed in such cases? - almost entirely 

16.  What is the Public sentiment as to the education of F.M. - very hostile

17.  Are Night Schools for Adults needed? In what way would they be carried on? - Cant say 

18.  What more can this Bu. do for educating the children of Refugees (or poor whites? - nothing just now,

19.  How long will Northern aid be needed for F.M. & Refugees in your Sub. Dist? Impossible to say, as all depends upon how the new State Gov't will succeed.

I hereby certify upon honor, that I have given personal attention to the matters herein named, and that the answers given are, according to my best knowledge and belief, correct.

R. Blair  Agt.
Bu. R.F. & A.L.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-31 18:28:52