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[Eᴅ. Fᴏʀᴍ, Nᴏ. 4.]


SUB-ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER'S (OR AGENT'S) MONTHLY REPORT on Education of Freedmen and Refugees in Sub-District, State of Alabama in charge of Geo. W. Kingsbury for the Month of September 1868, [in accordance with order contained in Circular No. 5, Bureau R., F., & A.L.]

1. Name of your Sub-District? "Opelika" comprising Russell. Macon. Lee. Chambers and Randolph Co's.

2. Whole number of Refugee or Freedmen's Schools in the District? 16 Day? 7 Night? 1  Sabbath? 8

3. Location of Schools? "Girard Cold [[Colored]]"- Girard Russell Co. "Beecher Academy"-, "Auburn Cold" and "Limekiln". Opelika. Auburn & Youngsboro. Lee Co.- "LaFayett Cold" LaFayett Chambers Co- "Blufton Cold" Blufton Chambers. Co- Henderson Thomas. Russell Co Sabbath Schools- at. Opelika. Salem, Shady Grove, Oak Bowery, Blufton, LaFayett and Girard Ala.

4. Whole number of Teachers? 8 White? 5 Colored? 3 — Sabbath Schools Teachers, 31 — White 4, Cold, 27—

5. Names and post-office address of Day-School Teachers? "Beecher Academy" Mrs. L.L. Dupree. Opelika Ala- "Auburn Cold" Mrs. M.Y. Harris Auburn Ala "Limekilm" Mrs. J.A.C. Parker- Youngsboro Ala. "Girard Cold" Nora James (cold)Girard Ala- Henderson- Charles White cold, Girard Ala- "LaFayette Cold" M.P. Meadows LaFayette Ala. "Blufton Cold" Mrs. J.H. Jenkins Blufton Ala.-
6. Whole number of School-houses for Freedmen in your District? 7 Their condition, capacity, value, and by whom owned? All of these buildings- are rented temporally from the whites. Their capacity and value not known--

7. Number of your visits to Schools? 2 Day? 2 Night? 00 Sabbath? 00 

8. Number of educational meetings held by you during the month? 2 Where? At Office Sub Asst Comr Opelika Ala

9. Number and names of places, now destitute, in which Day-Schools might be organized? "Lomina [[Loumina]]," "Roanoke" & "Rockdale" Randolph Co. Mill Town. "Oak Bowery" & "Mt Hickory" Chambers Co- "Tuskegee" "Crossley" & "Salem" Macon Co.

10. Number of pupils (estimated) who would attend such Schools? Lomina [[Loumina]] 60 Pupils- Roanoke 60 Pupils- Rockdale 75 Pupils- Mill Town 60 Pupils Oak Bowery 50 Pupils, Mr. Hickory 60 Pupils- Tuskegee 75 Pupils- Crossley 70 Pupils and Salem 50 Pupils

11. Amount which would probably be raised by the Freedmen, for school purposes, in each destitute neighborhood? The Freedmen generally pay a small tuition perhaps one dollar per month per pupil— and purchase most of their text books, but are not able to build themselves School houses, and are compelled to rent

12. What efforts are you making to secure the support of schools by pupils, parents, boards of education, or the State government? The Act recently passed by the State Legislator providing Public Schools will soon systematize the cold schools, and provide perminant [[permanent]] school organizations

13. Whole number of additional School-houses, for Freedmen, now wanted in your Sub-District? There are none owned by the Freedmen. And at least 15 are needed. requiring an appropriation of at least $2500.00

14. Could you organize your Sub-District into School Districts, each with a School Committee pledged to carry on schools therein? The County School Supt is now doing this work per act of Legislator --

15. To what extent would help from without be needed in such cases? Unless the Bureau aid the Freedmen in building School houses in this District- they will not be supplied, and will not receive the benefit of the Public School law -

16. What is the public sentiment as to the education of the Freedmen and Poor Whites?  There is generally much opposition by the whites, to the Freedmen becoming educated and in many locations they are prevented from attending school, but are all very anxious to learn. The poor whites generally don't care to trouble themselves with an education.

17. Are Night-Schools for Adults needed in your District? Yes- In what way could they be carried on? If I had suitable teachers and school houses I could organize Adult schools in my District- which would be self surporting [[supporting]], and productive of much good.

18. What more can this Bureau do for educating the children of Refugees (or Poor Whites)? Aid the Freedmen in building school houses, where they are not able to build them for themselves, and the State school law will eventually supply the rest--
19. How long will Northern charitable aid be needed for Freedmen and Refugee Schools of your District? If loyal men controle [[control]] the State and the Bureau aid in providing houses the Freedmen by the 1st of Jany next will be independent in school matters

I hereby certify, on honor, that I have given personal attention to the matters herein named, and that the answers given are, according to my best knowledge and belief, correct.

Geo. W. Kingsbury
Sub-Asst. Com., Bureau R., F., & A.L.
2nd Lt 48th Infty Bt Lt USA-

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-06 15:06:09 Author uses "cold" as abbreviation for colored.