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State of Alabama for the month of May, 1869 by Y.B. Sims
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, No. of Days Attendance, Alphabet, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Hig’ R’ Br’ Nch’s, Deportment, Scholarship

Questions for Teachers (Answers to be given for the month)

Name and Location of your School?  Hardbargain
Of what grade?
When did your present session commence?
When is your present session to close?  June 24th
Is your school supported by any Educat’l Society? 
And by what Society?  A.M.A.
Is your School supported wholly by a local School Board?  No Name:
Is your School supported in par by a local School Board?  Yes  Name Mssers Blemmons Peace
Is your School supported wholly by Freedman?  No
Is your School supported in part by Freedman?  No
Have you had Bureau transportation this term?  No
Who owns the school building?  I need more
Is rent paid by Freedman’s Bureau?  No
and how much?
What number of Teachers and Assistants in your School? 7
Are they white or colored?  Colored
Total enrollment for the month?  34
Male: 10  Female: 24
No. enrolled last report?  38
No. Left School this month? No
No. New Scholars this month?  4
What is the average attendance?  18
No. Pupils who pay tuition?  No.
No white Pupils?  No.
No. Always present?  16
No. Always punctual?  14
No. over sixteen years of age?  6
No. In Alphabet?  4
No. Who spell and read easy lessons?  29
No. Of advanced readers?  5
No. In Geography?  0
No. In Artithmetic?  16
No. In higher branches? 0
No in Writing?  16
No. In Needlework?  0
No. Free before the war?  0
Have you a Sabbath School?  Yes
No. Teachers in Sabbath School 7
No. Pupils in Sabbath School?  61
Have you an Industrial School?  No Pupils? 0
State kind of work done?  0

I certify that the above are true and correct statistics.  Yaney B. Sims, Teacher

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-28 12:38:34