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Transcription: [00:20:00]

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
-- for the International Year of the Child.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
It is necessary that we intensify our solidarity

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
with the children of Southern Africa.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
An essential part of this struggle

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
is also increased solidarity with the children,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the women, and the people of the front line states:

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Angola, Mozambique, Zambia,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Botswana, and Tanzania.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
If their struggle can consolidate the independence,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
national sovereignty, democracy, and progressive development

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
of their country, it is significant and fitting

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
that we hold this roundtable meeting in liberated Angola.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
And it is with deep and sincere affection and appreciation,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
that we greet and thank our dear friends of Angola,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and their militant organization, OMA, MPLA,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the government, and President Neto,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
for their generous hospitality,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and for all that they have done to make it possible to hold this meeting in Luanda.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Let me repeat the words of the OMA delegate

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
at the seminar the WIDF organized last year in Guinea.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
She said with great confidence,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
"Today, we Angolans are the masters of our country."

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
"We are the owners of our rituals, the controllers of our destiny,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and we shall rebuild everything.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We shall make progress in all fields." [[applause]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-13 01:51:06