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Transcription: [00:26:00]

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
The WIDF delegation has just participated in a seminar

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
on women and disarmament in Vienna.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
This seminar brought together women from 33 organizations,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
from 23 countries.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
They were a widely different ideological and political outlook.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Many represented organizations with whom we had never worked

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
or even met before.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
There were such organizations as the International Council of Women,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the World Lutheran Federation,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the Young Women's Christian Association,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Catholic women and Pax Christi.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
One of the WIDF delegates was Monty [[??]]

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
from the woman's section of the ANC South Africa.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
She deeply moved the participants by her speech.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Telling of the suffering and the struggle of the people of Southern Africa,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and she was able to have the demands of the liberation

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
movement included in the final report.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Dear friends, the aim of our meeting is in the first place,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
to intensify solidarity with the women and the people of South Africa,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Zimbabwe, Namibia, their liberation movements,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the ANC, the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe and ZAPU.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We salute their heroic struggle and we reaffirm our solidarity.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
International support for the liberation struggle of southern Africa

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
at the same time implies building a vast movement

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
of solidarity with the frontline states.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-29 19:37:22 ZAPU-- The Patriotic Front in Zimbabwe was a coalition of two African Leadership parties: the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU) and the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU)[2] which had worked together to fight against white minority rule in Rhodesia. One name is difficult to identify - the ANC South African delegate to WIDF in 1977 in Vienna - tried to find her name via google but was unsucessful.