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Transcription: [00:28:00]

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We therefore declare from the beginning of this meeting

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
as solid stand to the frontline states

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
in their [[?]] to defeat the imperialist conspiracy

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
directed against them. I would also like to say

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
that some days ago, the women and the people of Portugal

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
celebrated the 4th anniversary of the 25th of April movement.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
And we would like here to salute their successful struggle

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
against fascism and their contribution

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
to the liberation of the African people.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We stress that all solidarity with their struggle

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
to consolidate democracy and progressive achievements,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and we ask our dear Luisa to convey to them our love

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and our appreciation.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
The independence of Angola and Mozambique

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
broke the chain of colonialism and racism in southern Africa,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and emergence of the balance of forces

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
decisively in favor of the liberation movements of Zimbabwe,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Namibia, and South Africa.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
The proclamation of 1978,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
as International Anti-Apartheid Year, by the United Nations,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
undermines the universal abhorrence of Apartheid

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and racism in all its forms,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and the determination of the international community

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
to secure its final elimination.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
The WIDF has endorsed the resolutions

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
adopted by the United Nations against the racist regimes of southern Africa,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and welcomes the proclamation of '78 as International

Transcription Notes:
The Carnation Revolution , also known as the 25 April (Portuguese: 25 de Abril), was a military coup by left-leaning military officers that overthrew the authoritarian Estado Novo government on 25 April 1974 in Lisbon. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-13 00:42:57 The person speaking is Freda Brown. Need to put speaker names in the segments. Some segments too long. Need an ending Timestamp, as well.