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Transcription: [00:30:00]

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Anti-Apartheid Year.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
This decision, of the highest international forum,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
will come to mobilize world public opinion against the racist dictatorship

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
which denies the people the most elementary human rights,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and constitutes a permanent threat to the independent states of Africa,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and the maintenance of peace in the world.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
In 1977, WIDF sent a delegation

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
of two British members of parliament to South Africa and Namibia.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
They gave a report to the United Nations' Human Rights Commission in February this year.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
That delegation to the 27th session of the Commission on the Status of Women,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
held last April, submitted their testament on the situation of women under Apartheid.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
It was also reported in the seminar on the preparation

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
for International Children's Year in France,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
at the World Conference Against Apartheid, Racism, and Colonialism,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Southern Africa in Lisbon,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
{Unknown Speaker 1}
and at the World Conference for Action Against Apartheid organized by the United Nations in Lagos.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
The United Nations program of Action Against Apartheid,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
together with the documents of those two conferences,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
contain concrete proposals for action by world public opinion,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and the woman's movement to strengthen the campaign against Apartheid

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and colonialism in Southern Africa.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Speaking of our national organizations,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
they have taken initiatives for this Year Against Apartheid

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-29 20:17:53 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-13 00:35:44