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Transcription: [00:02:00]

{Unknown Speaker 1}
--the life of the peoples of Angola.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
This tree we were told bore the first flag of, of MPLA in war.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
This tree is riddled with bullets.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
It had got- It is just covered with bullets,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
but despite this, it stands firm.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And it, it seems to radiate strength. To us women who visited that--

{Unknown Speaker 1}
who visited [[?]] [[cooperate?]]

{Unknown Speaker 1}
we saw it as reflecting the strength

{Unknown Speaker 1}
of the people of Angola.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And that is why I have every confidence

{Unknown Speaker 1}
that our deliberations will also reflect that strength,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
the strength of a people who are prepared to be riddled with bullets,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
to die for their liberation.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
In conclusion, my remarks, friends,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
I would like to welcome you all once more, and to tell you

{Unknown Speaker 1}
that this roundtable discussion

{Unknown Speaker 1}
is being attended by women from all over the world;

{Unknown Speaker 1}
women representing 123 organizations of the world,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
and women represent coming from 109 countries.

{Unknown Speaker 2}
[[softly speaking from audience near a mic]]
One hundred and nineteen!

{Unknown Speaker 1}
So here in this hall today sits, and will participate

{Unknown Speaker 1}
the, the-- a whole family of women

{Unknown Speaker 1}
of the whole world.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
These women come from Angola.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
They come from the African National Congress of South Africa.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-29 14:02:20 There are a few places that are hard to understand - perhaps with headphones they can be understood. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-1-11 Put in speaker names, adjusted some segments, added ending timestamp. The person who says a comment near the end, "One hundred and nine?" is probably Pearl Bowser. She seems to have her own microphone, or sitting there recording this tape. That may be the case. She is the one who got these interviews. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-12 20:07:43 THE SPEAKER IS NOT!! FREDA BROWN. She was an Australian, white woman, who was a feminist, activist, and member of the Communist Party of Australia.