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Transcription: [00:10:55]

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Let us make no mistake, while the neutron bomb is to be deployed in Europe

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against the Socialist countries, and in particular against the Soviet Union,

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once deployed in Europe, it will find its way to the government of South Africa.

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And they will stop at nothing

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to prevent the spread of education and progress

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for the people in Southern Africa.

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The Socialist countries and freedom fighters

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everywhere will be the target.

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Europe or Southern Africa, they will stop nowhere.

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We women must unite against racism,

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against fascism, against war, against reaction.

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The United Nations have provided two immediate ways to do it together.

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In 1978, renewed a vigorous struggle everywhere against Apartheid

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and against the arms race,

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in particular, nuclear weapons and the ubiquitous neutron bomb.

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We have demonstrated against our own government,

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when they pursue reactionary politics.

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We must unite internationally, so that we are strengthened in our own national struggles.

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We must ensure that our own governments ratify the U.N. conventions against Apartheid.

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We must find ways to encourage our government to send aid

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and to do business and to do trade with the newly liberated countries.

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In England, for example, we have a Ministry of Overseas Development,

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which has been very progressive towards the future, who is against Apartheid,

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who has given a great deal of help to [[genuine?]] refugees, to the Vietnamese.

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And it seems to me, that requests should be sent to our Ministry of Overseas aid,

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particularly within various [[??]] we have had,

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requests for aid are coming from Southern Africa.

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In 1979, the International Year of the Child,

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should provide many opportunities for cooperation in favor of the world's children.

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Delegates from the Congo and from South Africa, [[noises and talking around mic]]

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have told us of the difficulties, psychological and physical,

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of the children of women living in prison.

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This is one group of children we can help in 1979.

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We should change and experience in the best interests of our children.

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And today, Socialist countries have showed the highest priority

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to the development and habitat of children.

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This can only be implemented fully in a world of peace.

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What countries of Southern Africa have done with their children,

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even during the course of the struggle,

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is a tribute to the care and concern which the refugee

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people have for children - all children - everywhere.

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And now, we would like to thank all the members of OMA,

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who are present, and who have demonstrated

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it to us; the hospitality of this free Africa,

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the generosity of the women and the government of Angola.

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Some [[??]] have given us of many heroines and many heroes

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in their long struggle for freedom.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-11 19:45:51