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Transcription: [00:17:19]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Dear sisters, quite short, I would like to give you much love

from my organization in Sweden, SKV.

"S" stands for Swedish, "K" for Kvinna - woman, [[cross-talk]],

"V" for anti-fascist, anti-war, anti- anti-neutron bomb,

and that's a growing movement in Sweden,

And anti-, anti-Apartheid.

I hardly don't need to say that we are happy and proud to have been invited here,

by OMA, and that we will be fighting against the Apartheid system,

now is one of the most important things in the world.

But please, let us now come to concrete matters,

because that is what we need in Sweden.

We feel very much the importance of this fight for the women in Sweden,

in Southern Africa.

But, please let us now call to action.

Finally, I wonder if you have heard of Víctor Jara?

He was a poet and musician murdered by the Chile junta

in 1975.

They killed him, alright, but not his songs.

They are still sobbing, now spread all over the world.

This is what I want to say.

Music is also a weapon.

Now, I bring a song from Sweden to you.

It is about the liberation of women, and a message of importance.

It says "sisters of all countries - come together,

the liberation comes closer and closer."

Transcription Notes:
18:35 - Víctor Lidio Jara Martínez was a Chilean teacher, theater director, poet, singer-songwriter and Communist[2] political activist.