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Transcription: [00:26:44]

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
I think, too, this has shown the real feeling

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
of solidarity with those who are struggling against apartheid,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and it is symbolic of the unity in this,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the United Nations year of anti-apartheid,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
that it shows the determination to finally wipe out

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
all remnants of detested colonialism.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
The declaration that we have adopted as a concrete proposal

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
proves that this roundtable has all [[met??]] its aims,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
but the real test is what we are going to do

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
when we leave this meeting.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We must take the messages of suffering

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and of struggle that we have heard out to the women, out to the people, all over the world.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We must have meetings, we must speak over the radio,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
we must write articles in the press, on TV.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We must speak to women's meetings, youth meetings,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
particularly to trade union meetings.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Of course, here, together, it was a wonderful feeling of solidarity.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We are all like-minded. We know the horror of apartheid.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
But let us remember. All people do not know these facts.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
They must be told. This is our job. This is our responsibility.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
They must not only be told, they must be aroused.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
They must be united into action. They must pressure their governments.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We must carry out the concrete proposals that we have adopted today.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
We must widely publicize the declaration that we have adopted.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Dear friends, I too want to thank all the participants.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Some for coming, for traveling so far, and for the speeches that you have made.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Of course I want to thank OMA. To all of us, it was a wonderful inspiration

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
To have the opportunity to hear those young women,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
fresh from the provinces, who spoke so willingly about the work they have done.


{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
But it was very moving indeed. For me to have witnessed

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the women who have made it possible for the young women today

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
to be free in a free Angola.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
I want to-- to thank OMA, and thank the pioneers

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
who came and greet us, because they brought right into this roundtable

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
the joy and the beauty that free children need.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
I want to-- to thank the [[WIDF??]] and, particularly,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
[[??]] Violet for the clear, concise, and decisive

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
contribution he made to us.

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
And most of all, to thank President Neto for making it possible. [[applause]]


{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
Of course we say thank you to the technical workers and to those friends of OMA

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
who provided the lovely cakes and the lovely snacks

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
that reinforced our strength in between all our speeches,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and also the drivers and-- Do we call them the outdrivers;

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
those beautiful, slim, young women, who handle those motorbikes like real veterans.


{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
I want too to thank all those who work behind the scenes,

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
and particularly, to thank our interpreters who've done such a patient [[??]] [[applause]] job [[inaudible]]


{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
I want too to thank the mass media, the television, the radio, and the press

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
who have done so much to help us to take our message out to the world.


{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
I think you can say that the message from this roundtable is:

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
that the struggle against Apartheid is not the struggle of the South Africans;

{SPEAKER name="Freda Brown"}
it is not the struggle of the front line--

Transcription Notes:
You don't have speaker names. Have to fix other things. The speaker is Freda Brown, president of the WIDF, Added this to first line. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-07 14:23:58