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Transcription: [00:06:26]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The meeting is tasked with detail with the situation in Southern Africa,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
analyzed in the front pages in the kind of policies,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
in Namibia and Zimbabwe, and the part played by the imperialism

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in armies of the Republic of South Africa and Rhodesia,

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and continuing to be based there in spite of the edict

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
of the United Nations Resolution for an arms embargo.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The meeting concluded

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
that the various negotiations in Zimbabwe and Namibia

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
are not in the interest of the liberation of the countries concerned,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
but of a neo-colonialist policy,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
which will keep the people of this area

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and will support perpetual economic exploitation and oppression.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
These efforts are designed

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
to blind the peoples of Africa and the world,

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and to support the interests of the imperialist countries.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Meanwhile, behind the scenes,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
the racist regimes are working feverishly to stifle the oppositions.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
This goes hand in hand with the struggle for imperialism

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
and its lackeys to establish neo-colonialist regimes

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
in Namibia and Zimbabwe and to isolate progressive liberation movements.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The meeting, having heard the calls of delegates of the liberation movement,

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once more expressed its condemnation of Apartheid,

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racism, and colonialism,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
and drew the attention of the world's public opinion

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
to the fact that the situation in Southern Africa

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
is a danger, not only to Africa, but also to world peace.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The Republic of South Africa is a fascist state

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
and thus, aggressive by nature.

Transcription Notes:
Not complete -- still a couple of places where it's hard to determine what the words are ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-01 12:22:19