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Transcription: [00:08:43]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The racist regimes in Southern Africa

bear direct responsibility for their crimes.

For their crimes.

Among these crimes are the massacre of children,

the killing of people under preliminary arrest,

large scale use of torture against freedom fighters,

eviction of African civilians from their lands,

suppression of the national freedom movement,

and of aggression against the people of Angola and property,

and the occupation of Namibia.

The roundtable demonstrated the growing unity of the women's movement

in opposing arms supplies to the racist regimes,

and exposing the plans for an aggressive self-entitled block

and the supplying of some of South Africa with new weapons.

A roundtable call on all the progressive forces the world over

to support the peoples of the Southern Africa in their struggle for freedom and independence.

Under their own democratic organizations: African National Congress Congress of South Africa,

the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe,

and the Southwest African Peoples Organization of Namibia,

and to give them all the financial, material, and diplomatic assistance they require.

The meeting discussed active cooperation by the women of all continents

with the women of Africa, and noted the development

of the participation of African women in public life and in the struggle for liberation.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-01 12:32:45