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Transcription: [00:10:48]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The Conference appeals to women everywhere

to step up the movement of solidarity

with the fight of the peoples of Southern Africa

of freedom and independence,

to demand that their governments should break completely

all economic, military, and past calculations

with South Africa and Rhodesia.

And to launch a large scale again

for an end immigration from European and other countries,

which must necessarily -

It is necessary that all governments to respect

the United Nations resolutions concerning the policy

of economic sanctions against Rhodesia.

It is a duty of the progressive world countries

to give all ground assistance

to the national liberation movements,

to South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe,

which would contribute to a heavy elimination

of the racist regime in south,

that is, the the south of Africa.

[[speaker speaking off-mike]] [[background noise]]


The roundtable hailed the revolutionary cooperation

and assistance given to liberation movements

and developing countries by the socialist countries

and other progressive causes.