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Transcription: [00:13:08]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The Conference asks all these forces,

to increase their contribution,

as the defeat of the fascists in South Russian- in Southern Africa

will give Africa a chance of gaining independence.


I'm sorry - of gaining independent development.


The roundtable strongly supports

the struggle of the women and people of South Africa,

[[silence]] [[coughing]]

Namibia and Zimbabwe.

[[silence]] [[coughing]]
I'm sorry.

And expresses deep confidence,

[[silence]] [[coughing]]

that the national liberation forces will put an end

to all form of racial discrimination,

and all its manifestations.

This struggle and its success

will serve the international peace and security.


Proposal for actions:

A. To condemn the policy of Apartheid

pursued by the minority regime of South Africa;

the illegal occupation of Namibia;

and the relief of terror operations in Zimbabwe.

To inform public opinion,

through newspapers, radio, and television - I'm sorry -

eh - through the mass media, about the activities of the racist

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-31 22:36:34