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Transcription: [00:40:40]
{SPEAKER name="Gloria Foster"}
"Indeed," said Tortoise grimly, his eyes like headlight's in a

shell that echoed cavernously. "Indeed."

[[Audience Clapping]]

{SPEAKER name="Unknown"}
During intermission, friends, the box office is open and tickets are on sale for fut-


A few selected shorts, a couple of coming attractions announcements, this Monday

movies, and our Italian Film festival on Monday evenings, this week at seven thirty on Monday night,

the original uncut version of this Visconti's film about the mad emperor Ludwig. A rare opportunity to see this

film in this form, so please do come. A radio reminder, this weeks radio shorts, Sunday evening from

six to seven p.m. on WNYC, 93.9 on your F.M. dial, this week, Gloria Foster reads Bessy

Head and Linda Lavin reads Grace Paley so tune in Sunday evening. Then, a week from

this Saturday, on March 28th, 11am to 11pm, Cynthia Space leads off the 8th week celebration

by 11 New York organizations of the 100th anniversary of the death in 1892 of America's great

poet visionary Walt Whitman. Leaves of grass, our event, will be a 12 hour Whitmaniacle

weaving of which the warf and whoof will be the poems of leaves and grass plus Whitman's

Prose works, specimen days, his letters, all read by 60 notable actors, including many of your

favorite shorts readers. Musical settings of Whitman, for chorists and soloists including 5 world

premiers of new setting that we've commissioned for that day. Whitman's letters, kids from PS75

in children's poem inspired by Whitman, leaders of government industry and the arts reading his predictions

from democratic vistas. This will be the only theatrical appearances this season of such folks as

Congressman Ted Weiss and Bill Green, [[Audience Laughter]] Burrough president Ruth Messinger, Grace Paley,

Assemblyman Jerrold Nadler making a rare stage appearance, Senators David Patterson and Franz Leichter

Council speaker Peter Vallone, in his theatrical debut, and as Walt Whitman would say, lots more.

Sex, war, politics, lyrical beauty, and it's all free a week from Saturday. That's 11

in the morning. Now folks, a moment for some personal service, the kind of

thing that makes you want to give large tax deductible contributions [[audience laughter]]

to symphony space. This is from last weeks village voice and the classified personal ads I'm not making it up

the ad read, "Larry at Selective Shorts, March 4th, enjoyed our conversation." [[Audience Laughter"]]

"Let's meet for coffee. Victoria." And then Victoria giver her telephone number.

Now Larry, [[Audience Laughter]] man to man, if you're sitting here

and perhaps he isn't, March 4th was a non-subscription night, he could have been anybody,

but if you can here this Larry, there are several possibilities. A) you saw the ad and you called.

If so, fine, I have nothing further to say, you're both consenting adults

and what follows is none of Symphony Spaces business. B) You saw the ad and you didn't call.

In which case, ditto, life can be cruel, I think it's a shame, but ditto.

Or C) You didn't see the ad at all because you don't read the Village Voice

and who can blame you, I don't either. Someone called the ad to our attention,

But if this is the case, two other possibilities occur now that tonight's intermission is over

and we'll call them D an E. D) You never saw the ad but you and Victoria just happened [Speaker Laughs]

[Audience Laughter] happened to run into each other tonight at intermission. And everything is going just fine

and you don't need me, but also possible is E) You never saw the ad, you have not seen Victoria

here tonight, either because she's not here, or because after all, a woman has her pride and while

you're worth the price of an ad, you're not the only man that ever walked on God's earth

Larry, and so now Larry, you are sitting here totally surprised by all this, intrigued

flattered, provoked, stimulated, and wondering what to do. Look for her after the show is over,

and explain your failure to call, but what if she's not here? Call her? What's her number?

that issue of the voice is no longer on the stands, Larry you are in trouble, but don't worry, I have the number.

I'm not gonna say it out loud now, in public for fear of embarrassing Victoria, though for God's sake

she published her number in the Village Voice, but I will be standing near the exit door after the show,

and you can get the number from me as a community service from the neighborhood arts organization that cares

[[audience laughter]]

And now- Victoria. Victoria. Man to woman, Victoria. If it's A, C, D, or E, you know

where we stand, good luck to you, but if B, you never here from him, forget about him. See me later, we have a

list of eligible, attractive, literary subscribers for a small tax deductible contribution less than

another voice ad. You can have the numbers of 12 of them, 6 of them named Larry. [audience laughter]

See me. Thank you. [Audience Laughter].

Now, to present this evening final story, here once again is out host for this evening, Toni Cade Bambara

[[Audience Clapping]]

{SPEAKER name="Toni Cade Bambara"}
Thank you. Just back from Jamaica is Charles Keating. Who's just completed a pilot

for the Hallsy-Brett production, Going to Extremes. This is the same outfit

that brought Northern Exposure to television, and I'm sure Mr. Keating is familiar

to all of you from Another World. He'll be [[Laughter]] [[Audience Laughter]]

He'll be reading an excerpt from a rather extraordinary piece, called Meditations on History

by Sherley Anne Williams, a Fresno reared, San Diego based educator.