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Transcription: [00:00:01]

{Unidentified Speaker 1}
Thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
And thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
Now we're going to be talking to some people who not only appeared in

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
Black films of this period, but people who are also prominent in

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
the theater of the period. Miss Anita Bush appeared in the first black

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
western, which was called "A Crimson Skull," shot on location, in the

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
very famous all-Black town of Boley, Oklahoma, in 1921.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
Miss Bush began her stage career in vaudeville,

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
and toured with the Walker-Williams Show.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
And in 1914, she began the Anita Bush Stock Company,

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
and presented such plays as 'The Girl of the Golden West'

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
and 'Across the Footlights'.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
She retired from the stage in 1940,

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
after celebrating 37 years as an actress.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
Mr. Carl Mahon appeared in a number of Oscar Micheaux films,

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
among these were: 'The Exile', 'Veiled Aristocrats', and 'Ten Minutes to Live'.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
We saw one clip from that.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
While working for the Board of Education here in New York, he remained active in community theater work,

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
directing, writing, and teaching acting.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}[00:01:21]
And he's also a poet and has published a number of works.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
And Mr. Lorenzo Tucker appeared in some 14 of Mr. Oscar Micheaux films.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
Among them: 'The Wages of Sin', 'A Daughter of the Congo', and 'Harlem After Midnight'.

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
His Broadway credits include: the Mae West production of 'Constant Sinner' and 'Mr. Tucker Was Known as the "Black Valentino"'.

Transcription Notes:
Reopened because it needs editing. Needed speaker names for every segment, needed spaces between each segment, and adding the speaker name of Julius Lester who had been the last speaker on Side 1 of this interview, which I had just finished transcribing, so I knew the name. *italicize long titles, such as titles of books, movie titles, or album titles. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-03 10:15:39 How might we encode links? e.g., Anita Bush [[Wikidata:]] Or, [The Crimson Skull]( etc.? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-07 16:12:41