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Transcription: [00:15:54]

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
-- and, uh, the great Andrew Bishop, that was the matinee idol of the Lafayette Stock Company,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
as Miss Bowser said before, he every summer when he'd come to New York Mr. Micheaux

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
would try to use him in a picture because he was here on vacation.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
So Mister Bishop and I were great pals. I got most of my training from the older people

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
in the Lafayette Stock Company. They used to call me "youth" at that time,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
so we were making, I think; I forget the name of the picture;

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and it was at the Fort Lee Studio

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and Mister Bishop had just bought a Hudson Terraplane automobile,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and he drove from Cleveland here,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and we decided to come across the bridge while filming and have a drink.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
Well, we had one, we had two,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and we were so glad to see each other, we had three! [[laughs]]

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
And in going back, we had an accident on the bridge. So we got back, actually,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
to the studio, it was after lunch, around 3 o'clock.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
Mister Micheaux was sick; stretched out on his couch.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
So Mr. Bishop and I went behind the scenery and made pretend we were sleep,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and we told a stagehand to, you know, tell Mister Micheaux we were back there.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
So we did a little fib. We says, "Hell, we didn't eat lunch and we're back here;

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
we fell asleep." So he knew better, but he would put up with our antics.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
And when they'd have props brought in for scenes; they were a little lean in those days;

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
Mr. Micheaux would turn his head, and we'd eat the props,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and if it was liquid, we'd drank it, too, [[giggles]] so you'd have to send out and get some more. [[giggles]]

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
So we played tricks on him, and all that he would do, he'd just --

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
One time, uh, he called me "Useless", another time my nickname was "Big Boy,"

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
and he says, "You're always up to something. I'm not gonna use you in the next picture.

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
Well, I didn't worry because he would take photographs of all of us around on his tours,

and this is how he raised his money for the next picture,

{SPEAKER name="Carl Mahon"}
so I was sure of a job. [[laughs]]

{SPEAKER name="Julius Lester"}
Miss Bush, what roles did you play on the stage?

Transcription Notes:
Do not transcribe all "uh" "um" etc. Non essential ones have been removed. --- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 10:38:49 The reviewer before me did not notice that this was not done correctly. It was not broken into segments with speaker names, etc... It was one long paragraph until the last sentence. There was almost no punctuation either. I will fix. ----------