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War Department
Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Chief Disbursing Officer
Washington D.C Jany 8th 1868

Bvt. Brig. Gen'l O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner
State of Virginia


In conformity with Special Order No. 1 dated Head Quarters Asst. Commr. State of Virginia Jany. 3rd 1868, I have the honor to report that I proceeded to Lynchburg Va and made due examination and enquiry in regard to the charges against Capt Lacey and Lieut Stevenson.  I made personal enquiry, and examined some twenty Colored persons, many of them appearing well informed, and it was universally acknowledged that their places could not be filled with men, having the interests and advancement of the Colored men more at heart than Capt Lacey & Lieut Stevenson.

Lieut Stevenson is rather impetuous and irritable and sometimes uses strong language to the Colored people, which they resent, and it is reported that Capt Lacey (instead of Lieut Stevenson) misuses them.