Viewing page 223 of 265

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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| One Room | Tower Hill, Appotx C.H. Va. | Warner Alvin |
| One Room | Petersburg Va | Kent Chas. |
| One Room | Eastville Va | Powell J B. |
| One Building | Wellville Notty Co Va | Murdock J N |
| One Room | Warrenton Va | Withers Thornton |
| One Building | Suffolk Va | Hall Thos P. |
| One Building | Blandford Va | Ryan Patrick P |
| One Room | Woodstock Va | Fadely Harrison |
| One Building | Upperville Va | Lows E F |
| One Room | Abingdon Va | Harris T.S. |
| One Room | Maysville Va | Wright Jas A |
| One Stable | Leesburg Va | Fadely Chas F |
| One Room | Port Royal | Smith Geo (Colord)
| One Room | Bentonville Va | Payne Geo |
| Two Rooms | Front Royal Va | Beecher A T |
| One Room | Berryville Va | Richmond Emos |

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant 
E. Whittlesey 
A A A general

Transcription Notes:
This is a continuation of the table on the previous page - the columns are titled there as: | Property rented | Location | Owned | ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-05 16:46:43