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MONTHLY REPORT of S. C. Johnson. Teacher of Freedmans Schools of the number of colored children taught during the month ending on the 31st days of August 1866.
[21 Column Table with REMARKS at the end of the table]
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States
STATION|ENROLLMENT Male. ENROLLMENT Female.|TOTAL.|GAIN Male|GAIN Female |TOTAL|LOSS.Male LOSS Female|TOTAL|AGE_Over 16|Under 16|Between 6 and 16|CONDUCT_Always Punctual.|Always Present.|Average Daily Attendance.|TUITION_Admitted Free|Pay Tuition.|Total Tuition Paid.|No. of Days Taught during the Month|No. of Hours Daily.|No. Sessions Daily.|REMARKS.

Evergreen. Ala|52|44|96|1|3|4|-|-|-|12|84|73|30|45|96|-|.50cts|23|6|3|About two thirds of my scholars have been sick during the past month with mumps, or chills & fevers. I called upon all the patrons of the school to pay what tuition they were able and [grace] fifty cents

[24 Column Table with REMARKS at the end]
READING._Alphabet and Primer.|First Reader.|Second Reader.|Third Reader.|Fourth Reader.|Fifth Reader.|Sixth Reader.|GEOGRAPHY_First Lessons|Primary|Second Part|Third Part|MATHEMATICS_Mental Arithm'tic|First Part Arithm'tic|2d Part Arithm'tic|3d Part Arthm'tic|Higher Arthm'tic|Algebra|Geometry|MISCELLANEOUS_Writing|Grammar|Composition|Drawing|Languag's|Music|REMARKS

Males|48|2|-|1|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|Many of the schools need spelling books and are too poor to buy them

S. C. Johnson

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 13:54:58