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L.B.V.5. 227/925        

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Head Quarters 5th Sub-Dist. Va.
Hampton, Va. December 31st 1868.

General O. Brown,
Asst. Commissioner. Dist. of Va.,
Richmond, Va.,

I have the honor to forward herewith Special Orders No's 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6. C.S. from this offices for restoration of Abandoned Lands. in this Sub-Dist. held on the books of the Bureau, also Receipts for the same, with the exception's of S.W. Armstead. James Solates. Armstead Houghton Estate. Hope Farm, and Edward Churm, who have failed to return the receipts as requested.

I am, Sir
With great respect
your obedient servant
S.C. Armstrong.
Sub-Asst. Comr 5th Sub. Dist. Va.

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