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The teacher of this school, Robert Mitchell a bright colored lad about 19. or 20 yrs old, a student from Oberlin College Ohio, is although young, the best colored school teacher, except Mr Waring and assistants, in my Dist.  The number of pupils is forty (40).

Mr. Mitchell is paid by contribution, as it is not sufficient, he will be compelled to close unless other aid is given.  I therefore strongly recommend that it be given in the form of rent.

Waterford School
This school taught by Miss Sarah Steen a young quakeress (white) is the best school out-side of Winchester. The teacher is efficient and the scholars (numbering 35) the neatest and most intelligent I have seen.  Miss Steen is paid party [[partly]] by the "Society of Friends of Philadelphia PA" and partly by contribution among scholars. The colored church is occupied as a school-house.

Transcription Notes:
No need to note [[underlined]] as per instructions, those notes removed and many [[?]] resolved.