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Louden [[Loudoun]] County (continued)

Leesburg School

This school, consisting of thirty five (35) scholars is under the charge of Wm. O. Roby (colored) who is paid in part by the scholars and in part by the Bureau. Roby has a smattering of everything, but not sufficient of any one thing to teach. 

The school building at that place is not yet occupied as it was not finished. It was built by funds appropriated by the Bureau, and is not worth half the amount paid for it. The former Bureau Agt. a Sidney Smith conducted his business in the most careless and unsystematic manner. No contract in writing was made with the builder and the consequence is he put up a tenth rate building and charges a first rate price. I recommend that no further aid be given the negros of Leesburg till they stop church-quarrels and take an interest in their education.

Hamilton School

This is a private school taught

Transcription Notes:
Note: Use of "fs" for "ss" throughout. Many [[?]] resolved except for one.