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[[12 Columned Table]]
|   | Name | Age | Sex | Date of admission in Hospital | Where from when received in Hospital | Length of residence in County, or Place. | Where Born | How long in State | Disease now existing | Prospects of recovery | Ability to gain a living |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 154 | Sarah Boling | 60 | Female | March 20, 1868 | Richmond Va | Unknown | Amelia Co. Va | 60 yrs. | Old Age |   | Unable |
| 155 | Elizabeth Wenn | 38 | Female | Nov 13th, 1868 | Hampton Kempt Va | 3 yrs | N.C. | 22 yrs | Phthisis | None | Unable |
|156 | Lucy Goldman | 60 | Female | Dec. 31st, 1868 | Henrico Co Va | 40 yrs | Charles City. Co Va | 60 yrs | Cataract | None | Unable |
| 157 | Nancy Robinson | 40 | Female | Nov 28th, 1868 | Macon Ga. | 7 yrs | Louisa Co Va | 33 yrs | Debility | Good | Unable |
| 158 | Lizzie Bernard | 40 | Female | Sep. 9th, 1868 | Washington D.C. | 22 yrs | Prince Wm Co Va | 35 yrs | Chr Rheumatism | None | Unable |
| [[checkmark]] 159 | Dolly Duncan | 35 | Female | July 2d, 1868 | Mecklenburg Co. Va | 18 yrs | Lynchburg Va | 35 yrs | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 160 [[/Strikethrough]] | [[Strikethrough]] Aleck Allan [[/Strikethrough]] | 43 | Male | Dec. 26th 1868 | Richmond Va | 43 yrs | Richmond Va | 43 yrs | Phthisis | None | Unable |
| 161 | Edwin Brown |  75 | Male | Dec. 17th 1868 | Richmond Va | 71 yrs | Chas. City Co. Va | 75 yrs | Old Age |   | Unable |
| 162 | William Harris | 18 | Male | Dec. 20th 1868 | Hanover Co Va | 3 mos | Brunswick Co Va | 18 yrs | Syphilis | Doubtful | Unable |
| 163 | Edward Haskins | 24 | Male | Nov. 11th 1868 | Richmond Va | 20 yrs | Chesterfield Co Va | 24 yrs | Sciofula | Doubtful | Unable |
| 164 | James Tolliger | 25 | Male | Sep. 26th 1868 | Richmond Va | 24 yrs | Richmond Va | 24 yrs | Phthisis | Doubtful | Unable |
| 165 | William White | 44 | Male | Nov 8th 1868 | Fluvanna Co Va | 7 yrs | Caroline Co Va | 44 yrs | Cataract | Doubtful | Unable |
| [[Strikethrough]] 166 [[/Strikethrough]] |[[Strikethrough]] George Martin [[/Strikethrough]] | 40 | Male | January 3d 1869 | Richmond Va | 1 mo. | Kinsey Co Va | 39 yrs | Disentery | Favorable | Unable |
| 167 | Daniel Alexander | 11 | Male | June 20 1868 | Richmond Va | 11 yrs | Richmond Va | 11 yrs | Amp of leg |   | Unable |
| 168 | Thomas Jefferson | 18 | Male | Dec. 18 1868 | Richmond Va | 18 yrs | Richmond Va | 18 yrs | Mt. Fever | Favorable | Unable |
| 169 | Benjamin Davis | 23 | Male | May 26th 1868 | Petersburg Va | 1 yr | Dinwiddie Co Va | 23 yrs | Tertiary Syphilis | Doubtful | Unable |
| [[Strikethrough]] 170 [[/Strikethrough]] | [[Strikethrough]] James Bennett [[/Strikethrough]] | 24 | Male | Dec 26th 1868 | Richmond Va | 22 yrs | Richmond Va | 22 yrs | Ch. Rheumatism | Doubtful | Unable |
| 171 | Benjamin Dishman | 16 | Male | Nov. 13th 1868 | Hampton Va | 1 yr | Caroline Co Va | 16 yrs | Paralysis | None | Unable |
| 172 | Prince Cawery | 36 | Male | Dec 9th 1868 | Richmond Va |  4 yrs | N.C. | 6 yrs | Rheumatism (Chronic) | Good | Unable |
| 173 | Taswell Pruis | 63 | Male | Nov. 25th 1868 | Henrico Co. Va | 63 yrs | Henrico Co. Va | 63 yrs | Inflamation of Stomach | Good | Unable |
| 174 | Richard Flournoy | 91 | Male | Oct 1st 1868 | Hanover Co Va | 27 yrs | Staunton Va | 91 yrs | Old Age |   | Unable |
| 175 | Hank Mass | 70 | Male | April 1st 1868 | Goochland Co Va | 70 yrs | Goochland Va | 70 yrs | Old Age |   | Unable |
| 176 | Abram Evans | 40 | Male | Dec 13th 1868 | Richmond Va | 40 yrs | Richmond Va | 40 yrs | Sciofula | Doubtful | Unable |
| 177 | John Bennett | 30 | Male | Nov. 17th 1868 | Washington D.C. | 4 yrs | N.C. | 20 yrs | Pnumonia | Good | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 178  [[/Strikethrough]]| [[Strikethrough]] William Nicholas [[/Strikethrough]] | 40 | Male | Dec 1st 1868 | Richmond Va | 40 yrs | Richmond Va | 40 yrs | Sciofula | Doubtful | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 179 [[/Strikethrough]]|[[Strikethrough]]  Claiborne Dandridge [[/Strikethrough]] | 65 | Male | March 31st 1868 | Richmond Va | 20 yrs | Chesterfield Co Va | 65 yrs | Old Age |   | Unable |
| 180 | James White | 80 | Male | June 7th 1868 | Henrico Co Va | 4 yrs | Henrico Co Va | 20 yrs | Old Age |   | Unable |
| [[checkmark]] 181 | Irena Jackson | 40 | Female | Oct 11th 1868 | Albermarle Co Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 182 | Sallie Randall | 50 | Female | August 20th 1868 | Suffolk Va |  Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 183 | Betty Brown | 50 | Female | Dec. 12th 1868 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 184 | Winney Baker | 25 | Female | July 17th 1868 | Alexandria Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 185 | Mary Wallace | 30 | Female | Jan. 1st. 1869 | Richmond Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 186 | Ben Stewart | 40 | Male | Apl. 16th 1868 | Richmond Va | 4 yrs. | Hanover Co Va | 40 yrs | Epilepsy | None | Unable |
| 187 | John Coles | 30 | Male | Oct. 11th 1868 | Louisa Co Va | 24 yrs | Louisa Co Va | 24 yrs | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 188 | Anthony Jackson | 20 | Male | Sept 25th 1868 | Lancast Co Va | 5 yrs | Northumberland Co Va | 20 yrs | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 189 | Charles Booker | 19 |  Male | June 5th 1868 | Richmond Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 190 | Lewis Tabb | 30 | Male | Nov 25th 1868 | King George Co. Va | 2 yrs | Middlesex Co Va | 30 | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 191 | James Allan | 35 | Male | May 2d 1868 | Warrenton Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 192 | Ferdinand Quarrels | 12 | Male | January 29 1869 | Richmond Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 193 | Abram Preston | 19 | Male | Nov 26th 1868 |Henry Co Va | 19 yrs | Henry Co Va | 19 yrs | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 194 | Jeremiah Smith | 22 | Male | Oct. 17th 1868 | Northumberland Co. Va |  Unk. | Unknown | Unk. | Insane | Doubtful | Able |
| 195 | William Armstead. | 38 | Male | Aug 5th 1868 | Norfolk Va | 36 yr | Unknown | 36 yrs | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 196 | John Jones | 24 | Male | Aug 26th 1868 | Norfolk Va | 1 yr | N.C. | 9 yrs | Insane | Doubtful | Unable |
| 197 | Mary Moore | 19 | Female | Nov 13th 1868 | Hampton Va | 4 yr | Hampton Va | 19 yrs | Epilepsy | Doubtful | Unable |
| 198 | Sarah Vaughan | 12 | Female | Dec. 24th 1868 | Chas. City. Co. Va | 30 yr | Charles City Co Va | 30 yrs | Sciofula | Doubtful | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 199 [[/Strikethrough]] | [[Strikethrough]]  Andrew Murray [[/Strikethrough]] | 4 | male | Nov. 14 1868 | Richmond | 4 yr | Richmond Va | 4 yrs | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 200 | Sylvia Harris | 30 | Female | Dec. 24th 1868 | Chas. City. Co. Va | 30 yr | Chas. City. Co. Va | 30 yr | Debility | Good | Able |
| 201 | Mary J. Harris | 3 Mo. |Female | Dec. 24th 1868 |Chas. City. Co. Va |   |Chas. City. Co. Va | 3 mos | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 202 | Matilda Scroggins | 26 | Female | Nov. 7th 1868 | Richmond Va | 4 yrs | Fairfax Co. Va | 26 yrs | Debility | Good | Able |
| 203 | Olla. Scroggins | 3 | Female | Nov. 7th 1868 | Richmond Va | 3 yrs | Richmond Va | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 204 | Julia Scroggins | 4 mos | Female | Nov. 7th 1868 | Richmond Va | 4 mos | Richmond Va | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 205 | Georgiana Brooks | 5 | Female | May 1st 1868 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Orphan |   | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 206 [[/Strikethrough]] | [[Strikethrough]] Martha Maddison [[/Strikethrough]] | 17 | Female | Nov. 6th 1868 |Richmond Va | 5 yrs | Orange Co Va | 17 yrs | Syphilis | Favorable | Able |
| 207 | Sallie Williams | 5 | Female | May 1st 1868 |Richmond Va | 5 yrs |Richmond Va | 5 yrs | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 208 | Ned Foster | 9 mos | Male | Nov. 13th. 1868 | Hampton Hosp. Va | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 209 | Mary Morris | 28 | Female |Nov. 13th. 1868 | Hampton Hosp. Va | 5 mos | Unknown | 28 yrs | Debility | Good | Unable |
| 210 | John Gardner | 40 | Male | April 7th 1868 | Albermarle Co Va | 40 yrs | Albermarle Co Va | 40 yrs | Ulcer | Doubtful | Unable |
| 211 | Dan Willis | 13 | Male | Dec. 13th 1868 | Hanover Co Va | 4 mos | Richmond Va. | 13 yrs | Orphan |   | Unable |
| 212 | Thomas Copeland | 28 | Male | Nov. 13th 1868 | Nansemond Co Va | 28 yrs | Nansemond Co Va | 28 yrs | Paaralysis | None | Unable |
| 213 | Benjamin Burton | 50 | Male | July 30th 1868 | Louisa Co Va | 50 yrs | Louisa Co Va | 50 yrs | Syphilis | Favorable | Unable |
| 214 | Dan Hodgins | 30 | Male | Nov 13th 1868 | Hampton VA. | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Idiot |   | Unable |
| 215 | William Jones | 18 | Male | Dec. 19th 1868 | Richmond Va | 2 yrs | Caroline Co Va | 18 yrs | Syphilis | Good | Able |
| 216 | Shadrick Webber | 60 | Male | Nov. 25th 1868 | Chesterfield | 2 yrs | Powhatan Co Va | 60 yrs | Ch Rheumatism | None | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 217 [[/Strikethrough]] |[[Strikethrough]] David Henderson [[/Strikethrough]] | 38 | Male | Sep 4th 1868 | Richmond Va | 38 yrs | Richmond Va | 38 yrs | Ch Rheumatism | Good | Unable |
| 218 | York Robertson | 25 | Male | Oct. 7th 1868 | Washington D.C. | 1 yr | S.C. | 6 yrs | Syphilis | Good | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 219 [[/Strikethrough]] | [[Strikethrough]] Wilson Braxton[[/Strikethrough]] | 40 | Male | April 21st 1868 | Goochland Co Va | 9 yrs | King Wm Co Va | 40 yrs | Amp of both legs |   | Unable |
|[[Strikethrough]] 220 [[/Strikethrough]] | [[Strikethrough]] Sam Dickerson [[/Strikethrough]] | 13 | Male | Jan. 10th 1868 | Hanover Co Va | 6 yrs | Pittsylvania Co Va | 13 yrs | Debility | Good | Unable |

Transcription Notes:
Line 220 although cut off, is visible on the next page so difficult to read info was copied from there. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-13 16:42:03 There are 2 checkmarks - one on line 159 and another at line 181. Not sure if any specific symbol needs to be used for it. But I have added it as [[checkmark]].