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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Head Quarters 6th Sub. Dist of VA
Fredericksburg VA Dec 31. 1868.

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown.
Asst. Commissioner.
Richmond Va


In obedience to Circular No 5. series of 1867. Head Quarters A.G. District of Virginia. I have the honor to report that I did not make an inspection throughout the whole of my Sub District for the Quarter ending December 31st 1868 in consequence of the impossibility of crossing the river at Tappahannock at the time I was there for the purpose of visiting the 4th and 5th Divisions. I inspected  the 1st 2d and 3d Division however, and find the state of feeling between the Whites and Blacks about as reported in my last quarterly report.

The financial condition of the Freedmen has been materially affected on account of the partial failure of the crops this year. The drought of the last summer being the cause. I fear suffering in many cases this winter among freedmen for want of the necessaries of life.

But few criminal cases have been tried in my Sub District during the past quarter, in which Freedmen were parties.  Yet in every case, so far as

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-11 19:00:02