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No. 30 Vesey Street.
New York, 22 March 1869. 

Genl O. Brown. 
Richmond, Va.

Dr Sir:

As our educational work, at least so far as regards primary & graded schools, will terminate with the current season, we intend to dispose of our property in Richmond & prefer that it should go into hands which would continue the work which has hitherto been so successfully carried on therewith.

We propose therefore, if you approve, to offer the property to the Richmond Educational Association, which owns the Normal School Buildings in the immediate vicinity & will sell it to that Association at a price much below its value.

The Navy Hill School Buildings, so called, comprise a large School House, Teachers' Home & outbuilding. They cost us between 4 & 5000 Ds [[dollars]], I believe, & are insured for 3650 Ds[[dollars]]. The cost mentioned includes what we paid for the land.

If, in your opinion, the R.E. Assoc. will accomplish the object we have in view- the continuance of the work- we will sell the property to them for Two thousand Dollars, which is about the amount of the liabilities for which we consider it pledged. 

In such case, we beg that you will have the goodness to make the 

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