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offers for sale, entirely at its own cost in the spring and summer of 1866. Having acted as the agent of that Association I know that the cost was about $5000. (Five Thousand Dollars). Since of the opening of the Normal & High school, nearly two years ago, all the schools have been conducted as one large institution, with the happiest results  - the Primary Schools being used as the necessary "model" school for the Normal pupils - and the Normal school acting as a stimulus and an inspiration to the primary. 

There should be but one proprietorship and one management for all these schools. The "Rich'd Educational Association" is a responsible incorporated company, made up of well known citizens, some of them experienced in educational matters, and all interested in the education of the freedman, and favorably situated for serving the cooperation of the civil authorities in the support of the schools, and already receiving aid from various charitable associations and from the Peabody Fund.

I would respectfully recommend that the Bureau pay to the N.Y. Branch F.U Com. Two Thousand Dollars ($2000) on vouchers for labor and material for repairs, and that said association deed the property in question to the Richmond Educational Association. 

Very Respy,Submitted
R. M. Manly
Asst. Sup. Schools

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 13:42:17