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have not been received.

Can you give me any information regarding them.

An early answer will oblige

Yours Respectfully
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col. U.S. A.
A.A. Insp. Genl

J.7.R.F. & AL. Va/69-

Head Quarters. Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F.& AL.
Richmond Va. Feby 3d 1869

Commanding Officer Co. C. 11th US. Infy.
Camp Grant. Va.


In accordance with the requirement of Circular No. 16 dated War Department Adjutant General's office February 6th 1864. I have the honor to inform you that Thomas Keeffe Company "C" 11th Regiment U.S. Infy. is on detached duty as orderly at these Head Quarters pursuant to special order No. 154. dated Head Quarters 11th U.S. Infy Dec 30th 1868.

He is on duty and was last paid by Paymaster Lt. Col. Stanton to include October 31st 1868

His clothing Account is kept here.

I am very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col U.S. A.
A.A. Insp Genl

February 4th 1869-

Wilcox Maj Genl O.B. U.S. A.


In answer to your inquiry as to what as to what would be the expense of conducting the Freedmen's schools as now organized in the State of Virginia by any other Agency than the Bureau R.F. & A L. on the supposition of the withdrawal of the present assistance of the latter, I have the honor to submit the following calculation.

Taking as a basis the report for March 1868 when the schools were all fully organized this statement can be made [[?]]

Omitting the small inferior private schools taught by illiterate freedmen there were,

240 Teachers in public schools for Freedmen under the patronage of Northern Charitable Associations and 14000 pupils (whole enrollment for the month) with 10,000 average attendance.

The cost of supporting the above scale for the year was to the Charitable Associations - $78,766.00
to the Freedmen (probably) 5000.00
to the Government through the Bureau R.F and A. Lands 42884.00
Total 126,650.00

The above is the actual cost for the year (9 months) but the number of Teachers and Scholars are for the month of March when both numbers were largest.

The average number of Teachers through the year was about 220.

A large part of the Bureau expense was for the erection and repairs of School houses and supplying school furniture, an expense which does not require to be repeated.

Seventy five thousand Dollars for the current year suffices for rentals and repairs.

To maintain a force of 250 Teachers for Freedmen's Schools the cost would be about as follows.

100 Teachers @ $500 each $50,000
100 Teachers @ $400 each $40,000
50 Teachers @ $300 each $15,000
Rental and Repairs of Schoolhouses $20,000
School Books, Stationary & incidental $10,000

Northern Charitable Associations, local School boards and the Freedmen individually might be relied upon the bear at least one half of this expense.

The entire work of organizing and conducting these schools might be efficiently done by two or three Superintendents with such voluntary local assistance, as they could avail themselves of.

Its results from the above that an appropriation

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