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February 12th 1869
Howard Brvt Maj Genl O.O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the following applications of discharged soldiers for Bounty &c. viz. Augustus Winkfield Priv Co "H" 1st U.S.C. Cav. James Brown Priv. Co "A" 23rd U.S.C. Troops.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col US.A.
A.A.I. Genl
In absence of Asst Comr

4 Enclosures

W.59 R.F.& A.L. Va/69

February 17th 1869
Lee Bvt. Col. S P.
Capt 45th U.S. Infy V.R.C.
Asst Supt. of Schools.

The Asst Comr. directs that in future you will forward your Reports of Schools addressed to this office.

Yours Respectfully
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col U.S.A
AAI Genl

February 17 1869-
Armstrong S.C.
Asst. Supt. of Schools.

You will in future forward your Reports of Schools to the Asst Comr

Yours Respty
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col U.S.A
A.A.I. Genl


February 17 1869
Remington J.H.
Attorney at Law
Norfolk, Va.

In response to your communication of 13th inst I herewith enclose official copies of award of arbitrators in the settlement with Mr. W. E Taylor by this Bureau, and also his receipts and the final order of restoration.

I am not aware of the importance of any other papers on file which are merely subsidiary to the enclosed. The use you expect to make of the papers is not stated.

If for your information in conducting the case, they will be sufficient in their present shape.  If you require anything further for purposes of evidence you will of course make additional and explanatory application.

In the latter case there will be expenses of attestation which unless for sufficient reasons shown must be borne by your clients.

The address of Mr. W.P. Austin is Lunenburg Court House.

Yours Respectfully
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col U.S.A
A.A.I. Genl

(7 Enclosures)

R8. 1 Vol.1869 RF AL V/69

February 18th 1869
Morse W.R.
Asst. Supt. Schools

I return herewith the Deed of Caball and wife, for changes: as follows where it is marked I strike out the words in brackets, and insert those included in brackets marked I in the enclosed slip. The same regarding the passage marked II in the Deed and the slip.

I was dissatisfied with the deed as it stood and consulted Judge Rives now in this city.

Transcription Notes:
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