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in whose handwriting the proposed alterations are.

I took it for granted that Judge Rives is the party of that name mentioned in the instrument but his name does not have a middle "H" which if he is the person intended should be struck out of the new paper.

The deed must be executed in duplicate one copy for retention here.

I retain your vouchers for convenience in the amended instructions being executed they will be acted on without delay.

Respectfully yours
Garrick Mallery
Brvt. Col. U.S.A
A.A.I. Genl

2 Enclosures

M20. 1 Vol RF AL Va/69

February 18th 1869
Howard Brvt Maj. Genl. O.O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith- "Reports of Transportation" issued by this Bureau during the month of January 1869.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant.
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col US.A
A.A.I. Genl
In absence of Asst Comr.

(1 Enclosure)

RF & AL Va/69.

February 18 1869
Lee Bvt. Lt. Col. S.P.
Asst Supt Schools

The Asst Comr directs that you inform these Head Quarters as to the name of the Society employing Miss S. Wright as Teacher.

Miss Wrights name does not appear in


school Report form "A" for January 1869-

Your Respectfully
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col U.S.A.
A.A.I. Genl.

W47 RF & AL Va/69

February 18 1869
Armstrong Esq S.C.
Asst Supt of Schools

The Asst. Comr desires to be informed whether Misses Rebecca T. Bacon. and Louisa Gilman are employed as Teachers in your Sub. District and if so, where?

Their names do not appear on the January reports.

Yours Respectfully
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col. U.S.A.
A.A.I. Genl

A33 1 Vol/69
A37 1 Vol/69

February 19th 1869
Lee Brvt Lt. Col S.P.
Asst. Inpt. of Schools.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your statistical Report of Schools for January (addressed to R.M. Manly) Your letter of transmittal states that several of the teachers have failed to make their "Reports"  You will at once forward a list of the delinquent teachers stating by what society each is commissioned, and whether patronage in any form is extended to their schools by the government or the "Peabody fund."

You will also inform each Teacher who does not report promptly that neither Rent nor assistance in any other form will be continued if such delinquency is repeated.

Yours Respty
Garrick Mallery
Brvt Col USA
AAI Genl

Transcription Notes:
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