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Richmond Va June 11th 1865
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c.

I have the honor to nominate Prof. W. H. Woodbury as Superintendent of schools for colored persons and refugees, for the State of Virginia. 

I have the honor to be General
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Srvt 
O. Brown 
Capt & A.Q.M. & Asst Comr.

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

Richmond Vao June 11, 1865
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to forward herewith an application for the farm of Rev'd. John Strong. I have today personally examined the premises and consider them very desirable for the Freedmen. 

I also forward a copy of an application made to Genl Ord for the above named premises and property thereon.

I have the honor to be, General
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Srvt 
O. Brown 
Capt & A.Q.M
Ass't Comr.

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.


Richmond, Va. June 11, 1865.
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to request that the farm of Rev John Strong, containing 485 acres of land, more or less, situated at the Point of Rocks on the Appromattox River, and occupied for the last twelve months or more as a United States Hospital, with all the buildings thereon be set apart for the use of the Bureau Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands. Said farm having been voluntarily abandoned by its disloyal owner, the before named Rev'd. John Strong. 

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt. 
O. Brown 
Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Comr.

JA Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G. 

Richmond, Va June 11, 1866
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of June 8th.

I regret that no Quarter masters have yet been assigned to me, as, for want of them, I am compelled to spend much of my time in Norfolk. 

I herewith send the nomination Chaplain R. M. Manley as temporary superintendent of the colored schools at Hampton; at the same time I beg leave to suggest that I be ordered to appoint a committee to investigate into the condition of the school and to report. 

I think some powerful friends of the colored people would be glad to have the school continued on the present plan at the same time, would be satisfied if another superintendent 

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