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It was procured for me by a lawyer who informed me that a more correct list could not be obtained from the record of the Court. 

The list of lands occupied by me, should have been headed "List of Abandoned Lands." The other list should have been headed "List of Confiscated Lands." The first list (Abandoned lands) meaning lands of which we held possession but which had not been confiscated. The list headed "Confiscated Lands" meaning those lands that had been confiscated by the U.S. Courts. 

In the haste to get them off by the mail it is possible that the copying clerk may have made a mistake. None of the farms in the list of "Abandoned farms" are confiscated unless that of David J. Godwin may have by mistake been included in that list. 

Can you inform me why your letters are three and sometimes four or five days in reaching me. 

I am General
Very Respectfully  
Your Obt. Srvt
O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr. 

J. A. Bates. 
Bvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

(23) Richmond Va. June 18, 1865
Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c

In conformity to orders received June 18th from the War Dept, I have the honor to report to you by letter. 

Very Respty. &c 
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr

J. A. Bates. 
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.


(24) Richmond Va. June 22, 1865.

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.

Please inform me what property, if any, except Abandoned and confiscated lands and funds collected by tax or otherwise for the benefit of Refugees & Freedmen I have a right to demand under Genl Orders No 110, C.S. War Dept. dated June 7th. 1865. Can I under this order require of the Treasury Agents, the rentals they have received from the City Lots and Tenements or the possession of this class of property. 

I have the honor to be, General. 
Very Respty, Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr. 

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

(25) Richmond. Va. June 22, 1865

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.

I have the honor to report that under the operations of Genl Orders No 110, C.S. War Dept. dated June 7, 1865, a large amount of property will undoubtedly come into possession of the Bureau. Par. XI. Circular Order No. 5, of the War Dept, Bureau of Refugees &c. dated May 30, 1865, provides that all property shall be accounted for as set forth in the Revised Regulations of the Army. 

Will you please inform me whether this is to be understood to mean that all property of whatever description, such as heretofore been considered to belong to the so called civil property. Also such funds as the so call "Recruiting Fund" shall be taken up and accounted for as provided for in Paragraph 22. Army Regulations 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 09:32:30 pls read instructions, too many [[?]] to have been marked for review, instructions say no more than 2 [[?]]s, also removed lines not required, corrected names and ranks and some words, Brown is a Colonel (Col) not a General, Bates is a Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, pls transcribe words as written, if abbreviated transcribe as written - corrected but pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 09:53:58 thank you for all that - minor other corrections - and it is helpful to include line breaks for readability of reviewer and users who will be using these documents. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 14:40:40 changed "Freeman" to "Freedmen" on 2nd page