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(48) Richmond Va. July 1. 1865

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.

I have the honor to report that the different benevolent societies of the North are becoming anxious about Quarters for the schools and teachers the coming term. 

There are buildings enough for this purpose in all the cities, held by men, who are not within the limits of the Presidents Amnesty Proclamation. Please inform me whether it is your wish that I should make application for the possession of these buildings directly to the Comd'g Genl of the Dept or that I apply through the Commissioner to have the buildings set apart for this purpose. Or can nothing be done unless the property is "confiscated or abandoned"-

I am General
Very Respectfully Yours. 
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr.

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

(49) Richmond Va. July 3d 1865.

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.

Will you please give me written authority for cutting Wood and Lumber upon "Abandoned and Confiscated Lands" in possession of the Bureau and for selling the same in conformity to Army Regulations?

Very Respectfully Yours
(sgd) O. Brown 
Col & Asst Comr.

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.


(50) Richmond. Va. July 5, 1865

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.

I have the honor to request that Surgeon J. J. De Lamater U.S.A. be detailed by the War Department for duty in this Bureau. 

I am General,
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Srvt.
(Sgd). O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr.

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

P.S. Surgeon De Lamater is now on duty at Norfolk Va.

(51) Richmond. Va. July 3d 1865

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of "Blank Form of Contract" from your office. Objections have been made to the Form by applicants for help, on the ground that they cannot bind themselves when there is no obligation on the part of the Employees to fulfill their part of the contract. They say that "unless the Freedmen are to suffer if they fail to fulfill their contracts, they will be continually changing their minds upon the most frivolous pretexts." They further claim that it is unjust to bind the one party leaving the other free and contrary to all Northern usage with laborers. 

I am General 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Svt
O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 10:56:34 Added '&c' after Commissioner entries, Bates is a 'Brevet' (Brvt) not 'Prvt' Lieutenant Colonel (Col) - Brevet is kinda honor title used during this period, filled in blanks, use [[?]] per instructions if word not known please, its Va, 'VA' rather modern for this time ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 12:51:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 13:23:45 thank you, reopened for minor corrections and to space it out so it is more readable and reviewable ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 15:07:20 changed "N.S.A." to "U.S.A." after De Lamater on page 31 (I agree that this writer's cap. "U" looks like an "N," but look at his cap. "N" in "North" on page 30.)