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is a good one, or whether it can be carried out under Circular Order No. 8 but respectfully submit it.
I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr.
J. A. Bates
Bvt Lt Col. & A.A.A.G.

(63) Telegram July 18 1865.
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c.
Can you procure the detail of an Asst Quartermaster to relieve Captain Alvord? It does not appear to me probable that Capt. A. will be allowed to remain in the service. Please inform me whether a description of the land in Fairfax County has been furnished your office by him.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr.
J. A. Bates
Bvt Lt Col. & A.A.A.G.

(64) Telegram July 20, 1865.
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c.
No order has yet been received assigning Surgeon J.J. De Lamater to duty in this Bureau.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr.
Bvt Lt Col. & A.A.A.G.


(65) July 18 1865.
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c.
I have the honor to forward herewith a map of the State of Virginia, showing the eight Districts of the Bureau. Also a list of the Officers in charge of each District together with the census of population in 1860.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr.
J.A. Bates
Bvt Lt Col. & A.A.A.G.

(66) July 20. 1865.
Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c.
I beg leave to call your attention to a serious difficulty, which the Bureau is laboring under in this State. The State is divided into Eight (8) Districts. These Districts are again divided into Sub-Districts, corresponding with the Counties, except in localities where the Freedmen are less numerous, when a sub-District embraces two or more counties.
It is desirable, for a time at least, that a competent commissioned officer, in the service of the Bureau, should be stationed in each of these Sub-Districts. This, with the present military force in the State, is next to impossible.
But few civilians can be employed for want of funds. Hence many Provost Marshals of Sub Districts act as Asst Supt of the Bureau, and attend to their duties as Prov. Marshals.
In many cases this is unobjectionable but in

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