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(86) August 12 1865
Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to submit herewith a communication received this day from Col W.L. James Chief Q.M. Dept of Va.

If I fully understand the meaning of the decision of the Secty of War, the Quartermasters Department will not be allowed to issue to officers of the Bureau even when such officers are Quartermasters any stores, means of transportation, buildings, Storage &c, unless each separate requisition be approved by the Commissioner and the issue ordered by the Secty of War.

In the matter of Stores, the delay thus rendered necessary, will not very seriously embarass the operations of the Bureau, since estimates can be forwarded of the articles needed. But it will be absolutely impossible to foresee the kind or amount of transportation that will be needed, even for a week in advance. To day nearly one hundred Freedmen have been stopped at different places in the State that were on their way to rejoin their families, or to return to their former homes. Most of these persons will be dependent upon the Govt until they can join their families or get into localities where they can find remunerative labor.

During the War the Freedmen were transported from place to place to be kept out of the way of "Federal Raiders." Many others were removed to localities where their labor was required during the War, but where there is little for them to do now.

Economy for the Government, as well as humanity of the Freedmen requires that these people should be placed as soon as possible where they will be self supporting. 

It will be a source of great embrassment to be compelled to send an application to Washington for each such case of transportation.

I herewith enclose copy of an order issued from this office, on the subject of transportation, and respectfully submit that, whether under this order it might not be as well to leave the matter of transportation as it now is.

I would also respectfully suggest that buildings and storage may occasionally be needed where there is not time to make requisition for them at Washington.

I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates 

(87) August 16. 1865
Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to report that I have proceeded as far in the organization of this Bureau in this State as is possible without more officers. Under orders received today, five thousand more Troops in this Dept will be mustered out which will take about forty of the officers and men now doing duty in the Bureau. I do no know how these can be replaced.

The feeling among the citizens is such that an officer is required in every county where the population is over five thousand (5000). 

I have made repeated applications to General Terry for assistance - He informs

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