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their duties, the business of the Bureau will be seriously impeded and there will be a great amt of unnecessary suffering among the Freedmen

Requisitions were forwarded to Col James on the 24th ult for his order to issue. Not fully understanding the full meaning of Genl O 147 he forwarded them to the Department Quartermaster Genl for his opinion, which has not yet been given

Very respectfully
Your obt servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst. Comr

J A Bates

(243) 21st Dec 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O. 
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 20th inst in reference to "rents to be paid pardoned owners"

Please inform me 1st Whether under the instructions of this communication property is considered restored to its former owners when an order of restoration has been issued, but the owner not put in actual possession.

2d If the order of restoration is considered to be the actual restoration of the property, will rent be paid by the Bureau from the date of the [[strikethrough]] restoration [[/strikethrough]] pardon or amnesty oath until the end of the year or until the Freedmen are removed?

As many cases are remaining unsettled I would respectfully ask an early answer.

Respty yours
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst. Comr

J.A. Bates


(244) 21st December 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to enclose herewith Report of rations issued to "Freedmen" during the month of November 1865

No rations were issued to "Refugees"

I am Genl very respty
Your obt servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

(245) 21st December 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to forward herewith an order which I propose with your approval to issue

I see no other means to prevent thousands of Freedmen (paupers) from being thrown upon the government for support

I am Genl
Very respty your obt servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

(Enclosure in above  December 1865

It having been reported that it is contemplated by many citizens of the state to turn out of doors on the 1st day of January 1866 all helpless and infirm Freedmen. The attention of Superintendents is called to previous instructions on

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-18 11:52:56