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No. 49 for Celia Stewart
from Richmond Va to Knoxville Tenn - 
Destitute Freedwoman - to relieve the govt of her support (dated 19th Dec. 1865)

No. 50 - for Georgiana Jolly and Elizabeth Hunt from Fr. Monroe, Va to New York City N.Y. Destitute Freedwoman - To relieve the govt of their support (dated 20th Dec. 1865)

No. 51 - for sixty (67) seven freedpeople - names [strikethrough] not [[strikethrough]] furnished in application for transportation and list of names sent with requisition for transportation from Mecklenberg Co. Va to Ackolona Miss - Former master is removing to Miss - he offers them homes there. They will become dependent on the Govt if they stay in Virginia (dated 21st Dec) (These people were formerly brought from Miss for safety from Federal raiders)

No. 52 for Manuel Jones and wife, Ingram Bass wife and child, Simeon Barton wife and six children, Franklin Bass and wife, Harriet Barton, Eliza Barton, William Barton and Lavinia Atwood (19 persons in all) - Destitute Freedpersons - to relieve the government from supporting them - 

Transportation given from Richmond Va to Cincinnati Ohio dated 22d Dec/65

I am General
Very Respty your obt servant
(Sgt) O. Brown
Col and Asst Comr

J.R. Bates

December 26th 1865
Howard Maj Gen
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to report that I have consulted with Maj Gen Terry on


the subject of the communication from the Maj Gen Comr of Dec 25th 1865

General informs me that he had reason to suppose that the City of Richmond was able to take care of the "poor whites" when he issued the order that "no rations would be issued to them after the 15th inst 

He adds, privately, that he does not intend to see "poor" starve but wishes to compel the City as far as possible to support them
The freedmen of the City will be cared for 
I am General with much respect
Your Obs Srvt
(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

(251)  December 27th 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O. 
Commissioner &c

I would respectfully ask an early action on the copy of an order forwarded for your approval on the 22nd inst

Unless something is done to prevent it the increase of pauper freedmen on the first of the year, to be supported by the Govt will be very great

I think this order would have a great effect and in hastening state action on the question of the support of pauper freedmen

The state laws under the "Old Code" required owners to support this class of persons - true they - the owners are not in a good circumstances to do this as formerly, but I see no reason why they should not be required to care for them until their

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 16:21:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 16:30:44