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in the Freedmens Courts of these counties and General Terry informs me that he will be unable to fur-nish officers for military commissions to adjudicate cases beyond the jurisdiction of there courts

As yet no law has been passed by the Virginia Legislature admitting colored testimony in the courts of the State

I would further state that the embarrassment occurs at a most important season of the year, as the freedmen are now making contracts for the season and require the advice and assistance of the Bureau officers in these matters

My wish to present a full statement of affairs is my only excuse for troubling you again in this matter

I am general very resply
Your obt servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Comr

J.A. Bates

(17 in 1st Vol)
13th January 1866

Howard Maj Gen O.O.
I have the honor to enclose No 8" monthly report of discharged men for November 1865

I am General
Very respty your obt servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst Comr

J.A. Bates
A.A.A.G.  (1 Enclosure)


Howard Maj Gen O.O. (18.~1stVol) 13th Jany 1866)
I have the honor to report that they following orders for transportation approved by you, have been issued from these Head Quarters
No 56 for Moses Graham - from Richmond Va to Lawrenceburg Depot Charlotte R.R.N.C. Destitute Freedman- to relieve the govt of his support dated 6th Jany 1866
No 57 for Romeo Little, Wyatt Edwards & wife and child, March Lamb & wife & child, Joseph Robinson and wife and 2 children and Beverly Tompkins - (12 persons in all) from Richmond Va to Vineland N Jersey - Destitute Freedpeople - To relieve the Govt of their support - dated 8th Jany 1866
No 58 for Margaret Mulligan & child from Petersburg Va to Columbia S.C. - Destitute Freed people - to relieve the govt of their support (dated 10 Jany 1866)
No 59 for Isaac Dabney and Humphrey Black from Richmond Va to Baltimore Md Destitute colored orphans - to relieve the govt of their support - dated 10th Jany 1866

I am general
Very respty yr ob't serv't
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst Comr
J.A. Bates

(19. ~ 1st Vol)
13th Jany 1866
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
I have the honor