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(29. 1st Vol) 31st January 1866
Howard Major Genl. O.O. 
I have the honor to enclose "consolidated report of Schools" for the month of December 1865.
I am General
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Sig O. Brown
Col. and. Asst. Comr.

Official J.A. Bates
One Enclosure.

(30. 1st Vol) 31st. January 1866
Howard Maj Genl. O.O. 
I have the honor to report that the following orders for transportation approved by you have been issued viz.
No 60. For Isaac Dean and wife. From Richmond Va. To Nashville. Tenn. Freedpeople. To relieve the gov't from Supporting them-dated 13th instant.
No 61 For Emeline Truman. From Norfolk Va, to Cheran, N.C. Destitute Refugee.- To relieve the govt of her support-dated 16th instant.
No. 62. For Emmet Hawkins. Ruffin Coleman. Liusford Sruy. William Mayfield, Aleck Turner, Tema Tabb, Ezekial Young, Richard Young, & Collin Tabb from Mecklenburg, County Va. to Washington County Miss- Destitute Freedpeople- to relieve the govt. of their support. dated 17th instant 
No. 63. Mrs. Mary Johnson, from Richmond Va to Baltimore Md  Destitute Refugee- to enable her to join her family. dated 13th instant.
No. 64. Lucy Samuel from "Fort Monroe Va. to Washington" City D.C. Destitute freedwoman- to join her friends and to relieve the govt of her support- dated 19th instant
No. 65. Juliana Robinson and child from Richmond Va, to Carlisle Pa. Freedpeople- to join her friends and relieve the govt of their support- dated 22nd inst-
No. 66 for Roxiana Wilder from Fort. Monroe Va, to Washington DC,- Destite freedwoman, to join her friends
No. 67. G. Arata from Richmond VA. to Memphis Tenn Destitute Refugee confined in Richmond by the so-called Confederate Govt. on account of his union entiment dated 27. inst.
No. 68. Louisa Bibbs (Colored) from Fort Monroe Va to Springfiled Ill. to join her husband.-a soldier sick in hospital at springfield - dated 30th inst
I am General
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Sig O. Brown
Col. and. Asst. Comr.

J.A. Bates

(31 1st Vol) 1st February
Howard Maj Genl. O.O. 

General Terry informs me that Col McEntire (now Provost Judge in this city) will soon be mustered out of service and that some officer of the Bureau must take the office.
I would therefore respectfully ask that the orders "That Lt. Col Mallery 3rd Regt V.R.C. report to Col. Whittlesey, be revoked, and that Col Mallery be allowed to remain on duty in this Department.
Col. Mallery is a lawyer by profession and I believe well qualified to fill the office of Provost Judge

I am General
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Sgd. O Brown
Col. and. Asst. Comr.

J.A. Bates