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I am with great respect
You obedient servant 
(Sigd) O Brown
Col. and Asst Comr.

James A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl.

(55. 1st Vol)
Howard Maj Genl. O. O.  8th March.
I have the honor to forward herewith for the approval of the Commissioner, a proposed order for turning over under such supervision as seems necessary the criminal cases heretofor tried by Bureau Courts and Military Commissions.
Owing to the large number of unsettled cases growing out of the labor question during the last year. it is not deemed advisable to turn over to the
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Sigd O Brown.
Col and Asst Comr
James A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl.

(56. 1st Vol)
Howard Maj Genl O. O.  9th March.
I would respectfully request that the muster out of Chaplain R M Manley late of the 1st USCT. be revoked

Chaplain Manley is on duty as superintendent of the Freedmens schools in this state, relieving him from duty would be most injurious to the interests of the Freedmen.
If the request can be complied with, I would respectfully ask that the order be dated from the date of the muster out of his Regiment as he has been and still is on duty in the Bureau.

I am General
your obedient servant
(Sigd) O Brown
Col and Asst Comr

James A Bates 
A.A.A. Genl.


(57. 1st Vol)
Howard Maj Genl. O. O.  12th March.

I have the honor to enclose vouchers and certificates for the retained Bounty of Esquire Massenburg and Joshua Grammer - for $100. each

I am General
Very respectfully
your obedient servant
(Sigd) O Brown
Col. and Asst Comr

James A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl.

Howard Maj Genl O. O.  (58. 1st Vol)  12th March.

I have the honor to forward herewith, in reply to your communication of the 6th instant, a report of Lt Col Mallery in reference to matters in Capt Barnes District. this report also covers the complaint of Mr Curtiss forwarded to you on a previous date

Please find enclosed also, letter from Capt Lacey, in relation to the affairs at Appomattox C.H.

The report of Col. Mallery, in my opinion, clears Captain Barnes from all charges by some unknown party_ If as Col. M. Suspects, Chaplain Roberts is the accuser, he should be required to substantiate his charges, or be taught that the reputation of an officer cannot be assailed by a brother officer, without good grounds for suspicion_

With the feelings of hostility that exist. on the part of Citizens towards officers of the Bureau, it is very easy for evil disposed persons, or meddlesome old women,
"To make of Trifles light as air, Confirmations strong as proofs of holy writ."

the letter of Captain Lacey shows that he has not neglected to look after the Appomattox case, but has delayed action by request of the Teacher interested.

I am General
Very respectfully

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