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I lay this case before you and earnestly invite your attention to it in the hope that some means may be devised to meet this great and increasing evil.

I respectfully beg an early answer as one of the Andersons is in arrest and I desire to determine what is to be done in his case as soon as possible.

I am, General,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servant.
(Sigd) Alfred H. Terry
Major Genl. & Asst Commr

James A. Bates

(2nd Vol. Folio 119) July 11th, 1866
Howard Major Genl. O.O.

I have the honor to request that Captain Geo. H. Brannix, V.R.C. on duty in the Bureau in this state, may be relieved, as his health does not permit him to perform the duties of his office.

I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant,
(Sigd) Alfred H. Terry
Major Genl. & Asst Comr

James A. Bates

(2nd Vol. Folio 120) July 11th, 1866
Howard Major Genl, O.O.

I have the honor to recommend for promotion to the Brevet rank of Colonel, Surgeon J.J. De Lamater, U.S. Volunteers.-

That Surgeon De Lamater has served with distinguished success, in the Army during the War is fully by the recommendations


of his Commanding Officers.

He has been on duty as Chief Medical Officer of the Bureau of this State since the organization of the Bureau, and the eminent success that has characterized the Administration of the Medical Department, is due to his untiring zeal and attention.

I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
(Sigd) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl of A.A.A.G.

James A. Bates

(2nd Vol. Folio 121) July 12th, 1866
Howard Major Genl, O.O.

I have the honor to enclose Supplementary reports of "Persons &c hired" by the Bureau, for the following named months, Viz:

August 1865, January, February, March and April 1866.-

The reports from which the above mentioned are copied, have but recently been received from the District Superintendents.-

I am, General,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant,
(Sigd) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. A.A.A.G.
late Asst. Commr

(5 Enclosures)
James A Bates

(2nd Vol. Folio 122) July 13th, 1866

Howard Major Genl, O.O.

I have the honor to request that I may be furnished with Ten copies of Circular No. 5. C.S. from your Head Qrs.-

Transcription Notes:
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