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(2. Vol. Folio. 234) Richmond Va November 27th/66

Howard, Major Genl O.O.

I have the honor to request that I may be furnished with the following blank forms, Viz.
200 Declarations for Bounty & Backpay,
for discharged Soldiers

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) J.M. Schofield
Bvt: Maj: Genl. U.S.A
Asst. Commr.

Garrick Mallery

(2. Vol Folio 235) Richmond Va November 27th 1866

Howard Major Genl O.O.

I have to request information as to whether, or not, it has been decided that Colored Soldiers, not free on the 19th April 1861, are entitled to bounty under the act of Congress, equalizing bounties, approved July 28th 1866.

I am General
Very respectfully
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) J.M. Schofield
Bvt: Maj: Genl: U.S.A.
Asst Commr

Garrick Mallery

(2 Vol. Folio 236) Richmond Va November 28th 1866

Howard Major Genl O.O.

I have the honor to enclose the following reports for the Month of September 1866.
Report of Persons hired. Form 2.
Report of Persons discharged. Form 8.


I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Sevt.
(Signed) J.M. Schofield
Bvt: Maj: Genl: U.S.A.
Asst. Commr

Garrick Mallery
(2 Enclosures)

(2 Vol. Folio 237) Richmond Va November 28th 1866

Fowler Assist Adjutant General.
Washington D.C.

I have received your communication of November 27th concerning the Freedmen living upon the W.E. Taylor farm, and expressing the desire of Major General Howard for a report as to the actual state of the matter.

In reply I have the honor to report as follows. Upon the report of Captain Austin that many of the Freedmen on the Taylor Farm refuse to remove or be removed as required. I sent the following instructions to Captain Austin. 

Richmond Va 2th November 1866.
"Respectfully returned to Captain Austin, Superintendent &c. who will notify these persons that transportation will be furnished them and quarters and rations provided by the Bureau at their former homes until they can find employment - that they will be required to move on or before  December 15th or Military forces will be employed to eject them -  
"He will also notify Mr. Taylor that after the agents of the Bureau have once removed the freedmen from the buildings, he must apply to the Civil authorities in case the buildings are reoccupied - Captain Austin will state
in his application for transportation for these persons that they are on the "Taylor Farm", and the names of Such as will be dependent on the Government
when they arrive at their former homes.
By order of Major General Schofield 
Assistant Commissioner
(Signed) O. Brown.

I also sent Colonel Mallory, Inspector, to the Taylor Farm with instructions to see that all proper arrangements were made for the removal of the Sick and destitute to Bureau Hospital on the Wise farm - There is no truth