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prominent citizen of Rockbridge County Va., under circumstances detailed in the accompanying extract from the report of Bvt Col Carse, and which does not differ materially from the statement voluntarily made to me by Dr. Watson himself, after his arrest.  Upon finding that the wound he had inflicted upon the colored man was mortal, Dr Watson surrendered himself to a Magistrate and was recognised in a nominal sum to appear before an examining Court, which Court, after hearing the Case discharged the prisoner. Two of the magistrates, as I am informed, were in favour of bringing the case before a jury, while three voted for the discharge.

This seemed a fair type of the numerous cases reported by officers of the Bureau in which the Civil Courts fail in the opinion of those officers to give substantial justice and protection to the freedmen.  I therefore determined to bring the case before a military court, not so much on account of its individual merits, as for the purpose of testing in the best practical way the important general question involved.

I have Caused Dr Watson to be arrested and bought to Richmond, and have taken his parole and bonds, with ample Security, to appear for trial on the 19th of this month.  my purpose is to bring the case for trial before a Military Commission, to be appointed under the Act of Congress of July 16th 1866, and to consist of a full number of officers of rank.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sevt.
(signed) J M Schofield
Bvt Major Genl U S A 
Asst. Commissioner

Garrick Mallery
A. A. A. G

(2 Vol. Folio 247)     Richmond Va Dec 10th 1866
Howard       Major General O. O.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of (200) forms "Declaration for arrears of pay and bounty".

I am General
very Respectfully


Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) J M. Schofield
Bvt. Maj. Genl U. S. A.
Asst; Commr

Garrick Mallery
A. A. A. G.

(2. Vol. Folio. 248)
Richmond Va December 12th 1866
Howard    Major Genl. O. O. 

As the Case of Dr. James L Watson will undoubtedly excite much attention and criticism, it seems important that a short hand reporter should be present at the trial and correctly report its proceedings.  Will you oblige me by procuring a competent person, to perform this duty, and arranging for his payment.  The trial is expected to commence on Wednesday the 19th inst.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Sevt;
J M Schofield
Bvt. Major General U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner.

Official Garrick Mallery

(2. Vol. Folio. 249)
Richmond Va December 12th 1866
Howard Major General O. O.

I have the honor to forward herewith reports from Captains Garrick Mallery and W P Austin in relation to the Freed poeple on the Taylor Farm.

I have no doubt but the best interests of these persons require that the order for their removal be enforced; but as this action will undoubtedly make some disturbance among mistaken sympathizers, I respectfully ask for instructions.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sert
(Signed) J M Schofield
Bvt. Maj. Genl U S A
Asst Commr

Garrick Mallery
(2 enclosures)

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-20 15:20:59