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(2. Vol. 166.)
Howard Maj. Genl, O.O.   August 21st 1867. 
I have the honor to enclose herewith vouchers with application of Judy Bright, for the retained bounty due her deceased son Peter Bright, late a private of Co E., 37th U.S.C. Tps. Amount $100.
I am, General
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
(Sgd.) Garrick Mallery
Btv. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.
In absence of the Asst. Comr.
Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl
(3 Enclosures.)

(2. Vol. 167.)
Howard Maj. Gen O.O.    August 27th 1867. 
I have the honor to enclose herewith the following applications with vouchers for retained bounty, viz:
Isaiah Williams, late private. Co H, 38th U.S. Cold. Infty.- amount $108.33/100.
Nelson King, father of Frank King, deceased, late private Co G., 38th U.S.C. Infty., Amount $100.00/100.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl
In absence of the Asst. Comr
(6 Enclosures).

(2. Vol. 168). Telegram.
Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.   August 29th 1867 
Commissioner, Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington, D.C.- Corner of I & Nineteenth St.
I arrived in Richmond this afternoon.
(Sgd.) O. Brown,
Asst. Comm.
Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl

(2. Vol. 169.)
Howard Maj. Genl O.O.    August 31st 1867.
I have the honor to transmit herewith, an estimate of rations required for issue to destitute Refugees and Freedmen in this State during the month of September 1867, for approval.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl
In absence of the Asst. Comr
(1 Enclosure).

Estimate of rations required for issue to "Sick in Hospitals" and to destitute "Refugees and Freedmen" in the State of Virginia for the month of September 1867.

Number of Rations required. Fifty eight thousand three hundred. (58.300).

Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl
In absene of the Asst Comr.
Richmond, Va.
31st August 1867.

(2. Vol. 170)
Howard Maj. Genl, O.O.   September 2nd, 1867.
I have the honor to request information as to whether A.A. Surgeons, and Hospital employees, needs be reported in the list of civilian employees called for by "Circular Letter" of August 28th, 1867 from Bureau Head Quarters.
I am, General
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
(Sgd.) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. Asst. Comr
Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl


Transcription Notes:
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