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Bur. R.F. & AL.
H.Q, A.C, Va.,
Richmond, Va., Sept. 7/68.
Howard Maj. Genl  O. O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith "Report of Civilian Agents and Clerks" on duty in Bur. R.F. & AL, Dist. of Va., during the month of August 1868.

I am, General
Very respty.
Your obt. Servt.
O. Brown
Asst. Comr
(1 Enclosure).

Bur. R.F. & AL,
H.Q, A.C, Va.
Richmond, Va.. Sept. 7/68.

Howard Maj. Genl O. O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith "Report of Transportation" issued by this Bureau during the month of August 1868.

I am, General
Very respty.
Your obt. Servt
O. Brown
Asst. Comr
(1 Enclosure).

Bur. R.F. & AL,
H.Q, A.C, Va.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 7/68.

Howard Maj. Genl O. O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith "Report of Lands" for the month of August 1868.
I am, General


Very respty.
Your obt. Servt
O. Brown
Asst. Comr
(1 Enclosure).

Bur. R.F. & AL,
H.Q, A.C, Va.
Richmond, Va. Sept. 8/68.

Howard Maj. Genl O. O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the following reports for the month of August, viz:
"Report of Rations issued to Freedmen"
"Report of Rations issued to Refugees"

I am, General
Very respty
Your obt. Servt
O. Brown
Asst. Comr
(2 Enclosures).

Bur. R.F. & A.L,
H.Q. A.C, Va.,
Richmond, Va., Sept. 10/68.

Howard Maj. Genl O. O.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the of the 9. inst, giving a list of Ex-Officers to be retained as officers of the Bureau in this District, and respectfully request to be informed, when their pay as officers, under these orders, shall commence. 
I desire to be instructed also, if officers mustered out before the information of the law allowing 33 1/3% additional pay, and retained in the Bureau by the Pub. Act. No 63 of July 1868, are entitled to this additional pay.

Transcription Notes:
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