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during the month was "Three thousand two hundred and ninety one" (3291)_ The number remaining under treatment November 30th 1868, was "One thousand one hundred and twelve" (1112).

The number of Insane remaining at the end of the month was "Seventy two" (72).

The number of Orphans under charge of the Bureau on the 30th November 1868, was "Eighty seven" (87).

I am, General
Very respty.
Your obt. Servt.
O Brown
Asst. Comr.

Bur. R.F. & A.L,
Hd Qrs A.C, Va.,
Richmond, Va., Dec. 29/68.

Howard Maj. Genl O. O.

I have the honor to report that the Com. of Subsistence will decline to issue rations for "Howard Grove Hospital" after January 1st 1869, without orders from competent authority.
I would respectfully request immediate action in this matter, as, under existing laws, there is no civil authority authorized to provide for the patients in this Hospital. 

I am, General
Very respty.
Your obt. Servt.
O Brown
Asst. Comr


Bur. R.F. & A.L,
Hd Qrs A.C, Va.,
Richmond Va., Dec. 30/68.

Howard Maj. Genl O. O.

In the case of Mrs Sarah Johnson (col'd.) reported in a letter by Miss Lottie Moon, and returned to me by an endorsement from the Commissioner, dated September 28th 1868, I have the honor to report, that in compliance with instructions contained in that endorsement, vouchers were sent by the Chief Disbursing Officer, to the Bureau Officer at that point for the signature of Mrs Johnson, with the design of paying her for the time she appeared, from statements, to have been teaching._ These vouchers she refused to sign, and from all the evidence in the case, I am of the opinion, that she has been influenced in her action in this case, from its inception, by the advice of rebels._ It does not appear from the note to Sarah Johnson, by Mr Hopkins, in which she makes her claim, nor from his subsequent statement, that she has any good ground for expecting assistance from the Bureau.

In view of these facts, and from the information and suggestions of the Bureau Officers, W. R. Morse, Sub. Asst. Comr, and M. S. Hopkins, Sub. Asst. Sub. Comr, adverse to this claim, I respectfully recommend that it be disallowed.

I have the honor to transmit herewith all the papers in this case. 


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